The iPhone

I was talking to Dru about that today. He said he’s not worried. “Apple says it’ll be fine as long as you go to a Cingular store and not Apple Store on the day of launch.”

Web 2.0 lunch

Web 2.0 Lunch
Chinatown, San Francisco, California

Nikon D200, Tokina AT-X PRO 16-50mm f/2.8 DX
1/640sec @ f/2.8, iso100, 16mm (24mm)

“Maybe in podunkville. This is San Francisco, the geeky New York City. I don’t think is enough space in the stores to house all the phones people are going to want to buy. I love it when pundits say that the iPhone is going to bomb. More! More of that! I wish more would say that so I’d actually have a chance at getting one.”

*laughter* “I have an engineer who said it was too expensive and all that. And then this morning, he downloaded the guided tour. I haven’t seen it yet, but he has—it’s like twenty minutes. After he watched it he said, ‘Blackberry is going to get crushed.’”


When I got back from lunch, I so had to check out the video. When we were watching, Gerry kept saying, “That’s sick!” The demo of the new earbuds are especially impressive in its cleverness.

When the video got to this fictitious SMS conversation between the speaker and Johnny Appleseed about having a drink before going to Sushi Ran. The place?

Let’s meet at Kell’s

“Let‘s meet at Kell’s.”

Coincidentally, my last SMS message reads… 6/21/07 09:51PM. A: “Kels, jackson and montgomery.”

Yes, I just got drunk there yesterday after the RockYou! party.

Morgan and Jia

Morgan and Jia
Thristy Bear, SOMA, San Francisco, California

Nikon D200, Tokina AT-X PRO 16-50mm f/2.8 DX, SB-800
1/25sec @ f/3.2, iso2000*, 16mm (24mm)

Maybe God is trying to tell me something…

I read you loud and clear, Steve. 😀

(Speaking about New York and San Francisco, I went to my first baseball game in 18 years and it was between the New York Yankees and the San Francisco Giants. Last time I went, I saw Barry Bonds play also, as my friends heckled him from the corporate boxes. This time, I noticed I had no reception on my cell phone and I thought to myself…hmm, I’m switching to AT&T soon. Bonds hit his 749th home run.)

Random stuff that comes out of my mouth when I’m drunk

[I don’t realize how over-the-top I am until I sober up. Here is a random snippet of conversation.]

Me: “You know how I am. I went to that g—d—n school. I think they’re all idiots who are divorced from reality. I said that to you when they bought out Overture.”

K—: “They’re eggheads. That’s true anywhere, not just Caltech. It’s not Burbank anymore, the new people in Sunnyvale are like that too. You talk to them and think they’re smart, but all the do is draw boxes.”

Me: “Boxes? You mean like UML?”

K—: “No, that would imply code being written. I mean boxes.”

[More random stuff after the jump]Continue reading


When Jeremiah twittered that he was going to check out he Zombie flash mob, I had to jet off work and check it out.

It was a lot of fun running out of the office: “Where are you going?”



I’ve been bitten

I managed to escape that day with only a little zombie blood on my pants and a memory card full of images I should post to flickr. But today, I got f&@$ing bit on Facebook by Blake.

I’m an Ensign Zombie Newbie

I’m just a Ensign Zombie Newbie

There is a 20 bites/day maximum right now so what I want to do to reach Leftenant Zombie status is have you add the zombie application and then say that I was the one who bit you. (If you aren’t my friend. Just friend me and send me a message saying “BRAINS!!!!”)

Now I know what Blake’s been doing with all that spare time since BuildForge got bought out by IBM.

Why is this man smiling?

Why is this man smiling?
Ning, Palo Alto, California

Nikon D200, Tokina AT-X PRO 16-50mm f/2.8 DX
1/40sec @ f/2.8, iso800, 26mm (39mm)

(Hey Slide or Bitnik, Wouldn’t it be cool if an app like CrazyFunPix had a zombify editor? You know so I can celebrate my new found need for BRAINS???)

[I’ll post the zombie flashmob photos sometime later.]

Community prime

So Andrei gave me a great idea to share some of my Amazon prime lovin’ with my (trusted) friends.

Amazon Prime is $80 a year. For that subscription you get free two-day ordering, $4 next day air, and orders fulfilled so fast you can’t cancel them. However, there are only so many times you can free-two day a spatula and not get bored.

So here is a idea I have to get some more value for my friends from Amazon and get my Prime account more usage.

[Amascam after the jump]Continue reading

2007-06-14 My ten seconds at WWDC

A friend of a friend hooked me up with a WWDC pass. Shhh… The real reason I went there was to meet a friend, but he had to miss out that day because of bugs and a release. (I won’t name names, but you suck!)

Unfortunately, I was too tired from driving back from Lunch 2.0 and errands to make it there for much of it. Actually, I caught exactly 5 seconds of the last talk’s Q&A on Dojo Toolkit. It’s probably for the best since Alex doesn’t need to hear me rant about Dojo for the hundredth time. My host scored me a free pass to the Apple Bash after the event just before they went off to dinner and I had to head the other direction to sflickr.

As I was passing Yerba Buena Gardens, an Apple Person In Black saw my bash band and said, “Right this to the Bash, sir.”

“Thank you. But no thank you, I’m skipping the party.”

My ten seconds at WWDC (2007-0048 12)

My ten seconds at WWDC
SOMA, San Francisco, California

Nikon D200, Tokina AT-X PRO 16-50mm f/2.8 DX
1/160sec @ f/4.5, iso100, 17mm (25mm)

[OSCON, Microsoft, and Apple after the jump]Continue reading

I just like hearing my name

As I told Ed Finker,

“Newbie, did I forget to tell you he just likes it when people say his name?”
—Dr. Cox, Scrubs Season 5

Unfortunately, Ed didn’t oblige me like he did last time. But luckily for me, Sean and Paul did. 🙂

With Cal’s PHP Abstract now on the air, the busy developer may be wondering which they should listen to. It’s simple, if you have to choose, I’ve been mentioned three times on Pro::PHP Podcast and not once on PHP Abstract.

Verdict: I recommend Pro::PHP Podcast 😀

terry chay

terry chay” by kbconference

This is me at ZendCon. You”ll notice that I have the lens on my D200 that the two are talking about. (Fire engine red… gotta love Canon.)

[Paul and Sean are the Kevin and Bean of the PHP world after the jump.]Continue reading

Wedding Videos? I can’t help

For the eighth time(!), someone has managed to contact me out of the blue though random Googling about C—. My flickr photos seem to be the largest single culprit and the fact that I’m pretty free with my own contact information doesn’t help matters.

If it is about weddings. I can’t help you. I broke up with C— eleven months ago. I know less than almost anyone else what is going on with her.Continue reading

Samplings from friday night

There is no way I can roll with the hip Asian lingo…

G—: Damn, you drop two hunna on a Boss shirt and you wear shoes like that?

G—: Fuck you. I’m half black. I’m black from the waist down, bitch.

(After Q— gets bounced trying to enter a strip club)
G—: C’mon, let’s got to C—.
H—: I don’t want no “numbers and call tomorrow.” I just want titties in my fucking face.
G— (to Q—): How many times we gone out? Who the hell doesn’t carry an I.D. with them?
Q—: I got my I.D. right here. (strokes beard)
G—: You just look like a fat fifteen-year-old with a goatee. Fuck, now I’m going to have to pay to get your ass into C—.

Me. Sometimes a little out of place…

…other times a lot.

[tags]asian, fashion, nightclubbing, black, strip club, carding, urban dictionary, lingo[/tags]

My dog days as a student

“You can keep doing that forever, the dog is never going to move.”
—Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

When taking the long way home, I noticed a lady sweeping the sidewalk while her pug watched over her.

I had to stop by and pet the dog. Another pug came out. Then another. (The fourth one didn’t make it down the steps.) We talked for a bit (with the lady, not the dogs—they just made various attempts for my attentions).

I asked for directions. I plugged dogster. (Being a geek, I mentioned how this beat out them in this.)

Somewhere along the way she asked if I was a student.

I wrote before that I get that a lot. But the day after my birthday, at this stage in my life, that’s a pretty cool thing to hear.

(The guys at work joke that I’m 21 Jump Street, to which a friend points out that I and Johnny Depp share the same birthday.)