When Jeremiah twittered that he was going to check out he Zombie flash mob, I had to jet off work and check it out.
It was a lot of fun running out of the office: “Where are you going?”
I’ve been bitten
I managed to escape that day with only a little zombie blood on my pants and a memory card full of images I should post to flickr. But today, I got f&@$ing bit on Facebook by Blake.
There is a 20 bites/day maximum right now so what I want to do to reach Leftenant Zombie status is have you add the zombie application and then say that I was the one who bit you. (If you aren’t my friend. Just friend me and send me a message saying “BRAINS!!!!”)
Now I know what Blake’s been doing with all that spare time since BuildForge got bought out by IBM.

Ning, Palo Alto, California
Nikon D200, Tokina AT-X PRO 16-50mm f/2.8 DX
1/40sec @ f/2.8, iso800, 26mm (39mm)
(Hey Slide or Bitnik, Wouldn’t it be cool if an app like CrazyFunPix had a zombify editor? You know so I can celebrate my new found need for BRAINS???)
[I’ll post the zombie flashmob photos sometime later.]
Ha – good idea! I’ll let the powers that be know that you’re hungry for BRAINS!!!!!
Saw your reply to Ning, what do you think of the new Tokina 16-50. I desparately want one, but I’m reading reviews and not sure if it is as good as I thought it would be.
@Craig: See http://terrychay.com/blog/article/the-wedding-lens-song.shtml The lens on my camera this day was the 18-200mm f/3.5-5.6VR Nikkor, not the Tokina.