A friend of a friend hooked me up with a WWDC pass. Shhh… The real reason I went there was to meet a friend, but he had to miss out that day because of bugs and a release. (I won’t name names, but you suck!)
Unfortunately, I was too tired from driving back from Lunch 2.0 and errands to make it there for much of it. Actually, I caught exactly 5 seconds of the last talk’s Q&A on Dojo Toolkit. It’s probably for the best since Alex doesn’t need to hear me rant about Dojo for the hundredth time. My host scored me a free pass to the Apple Bash after the event just before they went off to dinner and I had to head the other direction to sflickr.
As I was passing Yerba Buena Gardens, an Apple Person In Black saw my bash band and said, “Right this to the Bash, sir.”
“Thank you. But no thank you, I’m skipping the party.”

SOMA, San Francisco, California
Nikon D200, Tokina AT-X PRO 16-50mm f/2.8 DX
1/160sec @ f/4.5, iso100, 17mm (25mm)
[OSCON, Microsoft, and Apple after the jump]
A few years ago at OSCON, Microsoft used to sponsor the lunches and Apple would sponsor a 7PM mixer. It was oddly apropos. The boxed lunches sort of sucked but did the trick, and it was fun to say Open Source was eating Microsoft’s lunch; at the Apple mixer, there was a huge line and everyone said the food was really good, but by the time it got to you, it was all gone.
No doubt that last part is foreshadowing how my June 29th is going to turn out. Damn you, Steve Jobs!
[tags]Apple, WWDC, exclusive, Lunch 2.0, Dojo Toolkit, party, OSCON, Microsoft, iPhone, Steve Jobs[/tags]
I’m really, really bummed I’m not going to OSCON.