(No, I haven’t tried Safari 3.0.)
At work yesterday we were talking about how slow Firefox has become. You’re chugging around, opening a few tabs and then, after a few hours, you notice that everything takes like a second to respond. Has anyone else noticed this? It’s also been crashier of late—to the point where I’m actually depending on the Restore Session feature.
I decided I’d set Safari set as my default for personal use and Firefox for work. Rasmus does this for security reasons, I’m just doing it because I need Firefox for web development.
And while I’m wishing that Mozilla move back to their core and fix their shit before they talk about features in Firefox 3.0 that I and nobody else in the world are interested in—besides the three people using microformats. Why don’t they fix things so that when I drag the bookmark to the desktop it uses the page title as the file title instead of part of the URL?
u-whines about Safari: It needs real debugging. Add session restore, how come I lose my block popup settings? Why open “safe” by default? Has the Mac world become that lame? Now that I’m using it again, is it time to Pimp My Safari?