Job: PHP senior web developer and QA tester

Please see this post


Good morning! I’m writing in the hopes that you can help point me in the right direction with respect to my search for a Sr. Web Developer an/or QA Tester who has expertise with PHP 5, Zend, Ajax, LAMP, Web 2.0 technologies, and the like.

I will certainly pay a referral fee upon successful hire for anyone whom you can recommend, and would welcome any input you may have. Please contact me via email or at any of the numbers listed below for additional information.

Thanks, and have a great day!

contact: andrewp [at] this site

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Making it rain (a story with three "Mark"ed bills)

Tagged has a Cherry Coke promotion which pretty much works with any website out there. In honor of this, I pimped out my profile with some raining cherries—I mean once you get over all the pr0n on my profile, that I’m too lazy(?) to delete. 🙂

Mark #1

Apparently there was a reward for getting Mark hired and I was the lucky recipient of it. In a move back to our gangsta roots, Greg gave me most of it in the form of a brick of 125 $20 bills. Time to really make it rain!

Making it rain

Making it rain
Tagged, Financial District, San Francisco, California

Nikon D200, Tokina AT-X PRO 16-50mm f/2.8 DX
1/200sec @ f/2.8, iso320, 16mm (24mm)

(Best viewed large on black)

[More raining and Tagged is hiring after the jump]Continue reading

LinkedIn Haikus reprise

Okay, the day Plaxo finally comes out with the access and sync API platform for contact management, the kids at LinkedIn announced that they’re going platform also. In honor of that and the fact that my SiteOps manager calls me a “LinkedIn contact whore,” I whittled down my stack of business cards and sent another blast of LinkedIn Haikus. Shortly afterward, this was my Inbox…

My e-mail box after spamming LinkedIn members in my Address Book

C’mon Mario, that’s worth blogging at LinkedIn. 😉

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Community prime

So Andrei gave me a great idea to share some of my Amazon prime lovin’ with my (trusted) friends.

Amazon Prime is $80 a year. For that subscription you get free two-day ordering, $4 next day air, and orders fulfilled so fast you can’t cancel them. However, there are only so many times you can free-two day a spatula and not get bored.

So here is a idea I have to get some more value for my friends from Amazon and get my Prime account more usage.

[Amascam after the jump]Continue reading

Back to Safari

(No, I haven’t tried Safari 3.0.)

At work yesterday we were talking about how slow Firefox has become. You’re chugging around, opening a few tabs and then, after a few hours, you notice that everything takes like a second to respond. Has anyone else noticed this? It’s also been crashier of late—to the point where I’m actually depending on the Restore Session feature.

I decided I’d set Safari set as my default for personal use and Firefox for work. Rasmus does this for security reasons, I’m just doing it because I need Firefox for web development.

And while I’m wishing that Mozilla move back to their core and fix their shit before they talk about features in Firefox 3.0 that I and nobody else in the world are interested in—besides the three people using microformats. Why don’t they fix things so that when I drag the bookmark to the desktop it uses the page title as the file title instead of part of the URL?

u-whines about Safari: It needs real debugging. Add session restore, how come I lose my block popup settings? Why open “safe” by default? Has the Mac world become that lame? Now that I’m using it again, is it time to Pimp My Safari?

I just like hearing my name

As I told Ed Finker,

“Newbie, did I forget to tell you he just likes it when people say his name?”
—Dr. Cox, Scrubs Season 5

Unfortunately, Ed didn’t oblige me like he did last time. But luckily for me, Sean and Paul did. 🙂

With Cal’s PHP Abstract now on the air, the busy developer may be wondering which they should listen to. It’s simple, if you have to choose, I’ve been mentioned three times on Pro::PHP Podcast and not once on PHP Abstract.

Verdict: I recommend Pro::PHP Podcast 😀

terry chay

terry chay” by kbconference

This is me at ZendCon. You”ll notice that I have the lens on my D200 that the two are talking about. (Fire engine red… gotta love Canon.)

[Paul and Sean are the Kevin and Bean of the PHP world after the jump.]Continue reading

Calling *professionals* who use Facebook

Inspired by Holly’s post, I was hoping you could help a friend out from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the only cool paper in Pittsburgh 😉

Can you speak to the changing demographic on Facebook — is that indeed the case? Are you seeing a changing demographic — why would the biz crowd be attracted to the Facebook? I’m looking for established professionals who use the tool for whatever reason — except keeping up with their college-age kid. People who’ve been turned on to the site since it went public.

Can you help me today before 3pm EST?

Please Contact Cori: cshropshire[at]post-gazette[dot]com


Have we reached “Peak Ruby”?


The Terry Chay peak theory, also known as peak ruby, is a not-so-influential theory concerning the long-term popularity of software languages. It predicted that future popularity in Ruby will reach a peak sometime in the year 2007 and then decline. Some observers believe that because of the high dependence of the language on hype, the impending post-peak scalability problems and possible resulting severe migration to another language du jour as the next panacea. (citation needed)

A conversation (that mostly happened):

D—: You killed Ruby! You bastard!

Ruby TIOBE stats by itself

Me: I didn’t start the fire! 😀 Yeah, that one-month dip was a big deal in the Ruby community.

D—: They got bent out of shape over the tiobe stats? It was a one-month statistical glitch. They don’t know what a stat is.
D—: On that channel9 link, Replace Ruby with Java. It’s the same thing. “I’m sorry, you just used the wrong JVM. Why not use IBM’s.”

Me: No, you just don’t understand the psychology of Ruby people.

D—: I don’t.

[The psychology of Ruby after the jump.]Continue reading

My Yelpz is borked!

I’m trying to sync my Yelp with the internets:

Yelp seriously needs the Plaxo widget

Argh! I have no friends 🙁

Yo! Yelp, Here’s a hint. That goes for the rest of you guys also who can’t figure out address book import. It’s scary how easy this stuff is when you let someone else do the work for you.

Barcamp Sacramento Tomorrow

BarCamp Sacramento, June 2-3

Reminder, I’ll be at BarCamp Sacramento tomorrow.

BarCamp is an unconference (it is free to attend, users can give talks at will). I’ll do my Underpants Gnomes talk. And I can do an impromptu Rails on Ruby talk. 🙂

Unconferences are great. We should support more. It’s sort of like Lunch 2.0 only not with breakfast and dinner also.

Hope to see you there.