PHP as language

There’s an interesting post on Ning Developer Blog on their choice to use PHP as the Ning platform client language.

At Tagged, we don’t roll the way Diego does at Ning, but it’s shocking how similar the thinking is. This post was related to the old dog: PHP templating systems vs. PHP as templating.

It reminds me of my biggest beef with working at Plaxo, which used C++ with clearsilver templating. Whenever I used Clearsilver, I kept thinking, “Well this is obviously designed by a bunch of C coders who think they know better.”

Coding in that joke of a templating system, was like coding with both hands tied behind your back. Having such restrictions did lead to a certain amount of creativity—introducing Ajax to Plaxo about a year before the term was coined, and maybe influencing things like Meebo—but I keep thinking how much the setup got in the way of programmers expressing their creativity. How long did my former company spend looking for C++ John Henrys, when a segmentation (like the way Ning does with Java core and PHP frontend) would have served as the steam-powered hammer?

The John Henrys can focus on what they’re good at instead of dying to prove that they can do HTML templating and everything else also. “Everything you can do I can do better…”

Diego is right, but my emphasis is different: PHP is a programming language.

And language is a vehicle for expression.

Simple prescriptions and making choices

Shanti Bradford wrote a response to my rant. (Yes, it was a rant.)

I read the article and he makes some valid points. It’s a good pivot to summarize some of the things that came up in the discussions.

But then he wrote:

“[Terry’s article] makes the classic mistake of assuming (or implying) most apps will ever need to remotely scale to hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of requests a day (where Twitter currently stands).”

Time to pull out the can of whup ass! 😉

[Clarifying Ruby on Rails’s place in the world.]Continue reading

Plaxo labs search (and birthdays)!

Plaxo search

Plaxo Labs search is working. Notice that I used the Plaxo search plugin which I installed in Firefox.

(Yes, apparently I need to use the deduper.)

Another surprising feature is a birthday view that was added to contacts:

Plaxo birthday list

Too bad I can’t sort by upcoming birthdays. 🙁 But notice that alert? Something about requesting birthdays from your contacts?

Plaxo birthday reminders

Score! Birthday requests are much friendlier than contact information update requests. Who wouldn’t want a birthday ecard in their inbox? 🙂


Now if only Plaxo would give a free one day subscription to unlimited premium eCard sends to people on their birthday…

Plaxo is evil. Plaxo is spam.

Disclaimer: I worked as an engineer at Plaxo a long time ago (in internet years… in human years it was five months ago).

In October of last year, an engineering colleague asked me about this whole “Plaxo is evil. Plaxo is spam” thing. At the time I went in to a long boring lecture about Plaxo and privacy/security. (I don’t need to go into it here, you can read this to get a taste.)

After sitting through it, he asked me this simple question: “If you didn’t work for Plaxo, would you use it?”

I answered, “I’ll do you one better. I’m not going to be working for Plaxo much longer, and I’ll continue to use it after I leave.”

“Good enough for me.”

[The power of connections. The power of search. After the jump]Continue reading

Javascript framework pile on

Dr Dobbs has a review of Javascript frameworks, which they call “AJAX frameworks”, that’s an interesting read in my opinion.

I’m not going to write about Javascript frameworks in this article (one huge article a week is draining enough and writing and responding to the fallout would take forever to write). Instead I’m going to single out Alex’s complaint: the article used an ancient version of Dojo Toolkit.

[The validity of complaints after the jump.]Continue reading

Tagged is hiring (Senior Software Developer)

(I’m sure there are other positions we need to fill, but this one I have the full description for and would make my life so much better…)

The position is a Senior Software Developer at Tagged in San Francisco. It is a profitable pre-IPO social networking service ranked in the top 100 website. We develop in PHP and Java if that’s important.

The best thing about this position is you don’t work under me. 🙂

[Full blown job description after the jump.]
Continue reading

Barcamp Sacramento

BarCamp Sacramento, June 2-3

Adam Kalsey and Scott Hildebrand of SacStarts are holding a BarCamp in Sacramento on June 2nd and 3rd.

BarCamp is a conference where the participants are the speakers. Show up, sign up to give a session, and get going. There’s lots of networking in the halls, food, great conversations, and you’ll even learn a thing or two.

I love the price (free) 🙂 I’ll be there, maybe you should also. Maybe I’ll dig up an old talk or or test drive a new one (no doubt there will be some PHP involved in mine).

Show your support for the Web people a little further inland and signup!