
I’ve been a big supporter of Zivity. My PHP friends tease me about this because Zivity is built on Rails. Well, I got an invite to Zivity Beta the other day, so I figured I should subscribe to their blog. Today, I just wanted to link this great article from Forbes when I ran across […]

Being popular

After the merkley??? party, I went with some friends to Matt Mullenweg’s birthday party. (Matt, for those of you who don’t know, wrote WordPress which over the years has become the premier blogging application on the internet. Matt also gets a lot of shit from me when I talk about programming) My friends and I […]

OOps! I (recycled my talk) again!

PHP is a hacky piece of shit that gets the job done that somehow that suits me just fine. I honestly don’t know why I support SF PHP Meetup. Quite frankly, I find the whole “Meetup” website strangely-segmented, overly-restrictive, and a closed-off and archaic anachronism. I am counting the days until Facebook or Ning finally […]

Sex talk

Someone asked me today if I plan on attending the Sex Worker’s Art Show which will be hitting San Francisco tomorrow. The answer is no because I’m working all weekend, I just added it to my upcoming because I thought maybe others might be interested in it. But in all honesty, I’m just an introverted […]

Brain error

19th century German neurophysiologists successfully map out the brain after a transcontinental flight Researching my last article was amusing, but doing so made me realize an error in something I said last month. I didn’t recognize someone I should have because I was jetlagged and hungry. She was non-plussed with my behavior and threatened to […]

A religious experience

“Oh, God! Oh! OhhhHHHH!!! God!!!!! Ohhhhh” —anonymous neighbor who didn’t close her window last night Right before I fell asleep last night, I heard someone in my apartment complex shout this. My window was closed, but the voice penetrated it with uncompromising clarity. If a woman’s auditory systems is tuned to hearing a baby cry, […]

At ZendCon tomorrow – see my talk, drink their drink

I love teasing Zend and right now their conference, the largest PHP conference in the world, is going on. As I mentioned earlier, I’ll be giving my talk on “The Internet is an Ogre” tomorrow at 10 AM. It’s a fun talk so you better go see it! (Besides, if everyone goes to this, I’ll […]

Happy Sputnik Day!

Text reads: Dear person-with-vaguely-Russian-sounding-name, Fifty years ago today, the Soviet Union threw a beeping metal sphere into low earth orbit scaring the be-jesus out of every American and touching off the Space Race which gave us 100+ TV channels, GPS tracking, orbital mind control lasers, Google Earth, and Tang—all of which, by some coincidence, scare […]

Battle wounds

A lot of people at work were asking me about this bright red cut I had on my nose today. The truth of the matter is, I was showering and the shampoo bottle slipped out of my hand and I cut myself across my nose. But nobody was believing that story. Battle wounds North Beach, […]