Back to Palm…again

Michael at work just got a Treo 650 and because I have a Palm T|X (review roundup), he was wondering how to get up using the Palm features. In my opinion the two are not the same product, there are a lot of cool things that I could do with a PalmOS that are too […]

Rip Different

I saw on BoingBoing that Macrovision is threatening VersionTracker for listing MacTheRipper. I had forgotten what a wonderfully useful program MacTheRipper has always been mostly because I’ve taken it for granted. Basically what it does is strip the CSS, Macrovision, region encoding and menu blocks from a DVD to allow you to create a usable […]

Clothing security tags

A shirt I got from SportMart had one of these left on it: Everyone knows this as an EAS or clothing security tag, inktag, or whatever. Luckily, mine didn’t have any ink.

Lunch 2.0 l(a)unches

In 1999, I used to eat lunches in Novell’s offices (now eBay’s headquarters). In 2000, Dave visited me and I showed him all the crappiest food in the valley. In 2001, Dave came to the Valley and we decided we needed to visit corporate cafeteries, because the only thing you got free in the valley, […]

Opera 9 preview 2

Preview 2 of Opera 9 is out. The big thing is the integrated BitTorrent client. I’m not planning on using Opera but because Microsoft Internet Explorer for the Mac is dead, it might be fun to have it lying around to learn some AJAX quirks it might have. Besides, Opera’s rendering engine might be used […]

You can be sure if it’s Slashdot…it’s wrong

I read this article today about Toshiba buying out Westinghouse Electric. I shouldn’t be surprised that Slashdot gets it wrong again. Really wrong. First of all, Westinghouse hasn’t made blenders since around the time I was born. They sold off the appliances division to a separate company, White, which renamed itself White-Westinghouse. The confusion arises […]

Taking football seriously

My obligatory Superbowl blog entry: “You can’t believe how seriously these people take their football.” —overheard, “Gridiron City” The quote above comes from an op-ed in today’s New York Times. The answer is, “Yes, I can believe,” because, like Holly, I grew up in Pittsburgh, and they do take their football seriously there. The article […]

dSLR for $500

When I was in Costco the other day, I noticed that Pentax’s dSLR was undercutting the Nikon D50 kit by a couple bucks. Then, I read today that the Pentax *st DL with 18-55mm kit lens dropped another $200 to $599. If you figure the lens is about $100, we’re at $500. Wow!

Domestic spying reframed

The new watchword is to replace “domestic spying” with “Terrorist Surveillance”. It consisted of a three-pronged assault of the news: Bush speaking at Kansas, A.G. Alberto Gonzales speaking at Georgetown University Law Center, and Karl Rove speaking at the Republican National Committee. I won’t get into a defense or attack about this issue because it […]

TimesSelect’s first 150k

Editor and Publisher reports that TimesSelect gets 156,000 web subscribers in the first 4 months which is among the 390,000 total web subscription base. At $49.95 a pop, that’s a $7.3 million and $19.5 million respectively. Doesn’t sound bad, certainly not the way the article puts it.