fo shizzle

In an e-mail recently someone used the phrase “fo’ shizzle.”

Now having worked at Plaxo I’ve heard the term and seen it used when we play Counterstrike and such, and it’s used on television more, but I never saw it written out. For some reason print or e-mail is different than chat or IM. I have a distinct recollection of when “da bomb” (1994) or “so ghetto” (1998) reached that point, followed by a quick musing of where the hell the term came from—I mean besides the obvious answer in this case: Snoop Dog.

Urban Dictionary provided it to me:

“fo shizzle ma nizzle” is a bastardization of “fo’ sheezy mah neezy” which is a bastardization of “for sure mah nigga” which is a bastdardization of “I concur with you whole heartedly my African american brother”

I love the internet.

My data in a box

Warning. This post is too geeky for words.

The inspiration,

12:36:44 PM ed: I wrote a twitter client
12:36:51 PM me: Yes, I noticed
12:36:55 PM ed: that’s how I roll.
12:36:58 PM me: also changed some phpsecurity update thing
12:37:04 PM me: white and nerdy baby
12:37:31 PM ed: php security is for the squares, dude
12:37:50 PM ed: I roll with my globals registered and all that shit.
12:39:20 PM me: fuck that bitch, I say all ports open
12:40:09 PM ed: I ain’t afraid of yo buffer overflow!
12:42:16 PM me: Stick your buffer overflow in a box!

Which inspired me to rewrite this song in honor of Ilia’s new filter extension and all the hard work the PHP team in putting security fixes with the latest releases.

[The song after the jump]Continue reading

Aryan Fever

Someone from Taiwan told me their sister isn’t digging some guy because he’s Asian and she’s not into Asians.

This, of course, reminded me of “Yellow Fever.” What’s weird about that mockumentary is that it isn’t about “Yellow Fever” since that’s when a white guy is digging some East Asian girl.

What do you call it when a asian girl only goes out with white guys?

I asked my good friend Redgee for what they call it—after all, if anyone should know it should be a Filipino. 😀

First he suggested “twinkie” but that wasn’t quite right. He didn’t know so he coined the term “Aryan Fever.”
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