Modern translations

Someone noticed today my random use of Latin. And it got me thinking about translations, mostly because English is the only (non-programming) language I know. [The Stranger and Latin maxims after the jump.]

L by the pint

Overheard over dinner. Girl: “I’d like to order some expensive beer but I can’t finish it.” Boy: “Don’t worry, honey, I’ll chug this equally expensive beer and help you with yours later.” Now that’s love right there.

Family tech support

I’m preparing a list of things to do tomorrow, when it occurs to me: I wonder if Larry or Sergei ever have to fix their family members’ computers? If so, that’s got to be the World’s Most Expensive Tech Support. I wonder how many six(or more)-figure-salary software engineers weekend as the family Geek Squad?


(I am sitting in a presentation on a web framework in our office conference room given by a former employee who is now a consultant. One of my engineers asks the consultant to give an example from experience where he had to modify the framework code itself.) R—: “Yeah, that happened to me, you know […]

Never ask a nerd for directions

“The front office is to your back that way and to your left,” someone says. The delivery man walks a bit, gets confused, and looks at me across the floor, “Which way from here?” he points. “It’s right of that.” I shout back. He points in another direction, “That way?” “No. Bisect the angle you […]

GPS everywhere and in everything

My computer has a GPS in it using the same SIRFstar III chipset as my hiking handheld, which also doubles as my cycling GPS. On the Mac, it appears as a “USB-serial” device whose driver is made by Prolific Technology which, coincidentally, makes the driver for my camera GPS receiver. Like all SIRFstar III GPSs, […]

UDMA and photography

I eavesdropped on a twitter discussion between Jim and Adam on UDMA cards. As outlined in this article, not all cameras can take advantage of UDMA cards, but my Nikon D3 (and D300) are among them. Also, the read speed means faster downloads. So it’s worth mentioning that Mark Jen pointed out this deal on […]

Planning your Macs

My Uncle is soon to be without his laptop and desktop. An in our family, this means a Macintosh…with Skype installed. And this means, bouncing ideas off the family Mac geek: me. Here were his ideas: Idea 1: Get 1 desktop and 1 laptop. For desktop, I am thinking of iMac rather than a Power […]

Faking long exposure

I hate feeling depressed… Feathered Death Baker Beach, San Francisco, California Nikon D3, Nikkor 14-24mm f/2.8G 1/60sec @ f/18, iso200, 14mm (14mm) When people ask what sort of subject I like to shoot, I say, “nature,” but it’s been over a year since I’ve done any outdoor photography. I don’t know if my one dimensionality […]

Last Suppers

I was browsing hulu yesterday, when I saw this promotional ad for the upcoming restart of Battlestar Galactica. The full image is very impressive and instantly recognizable: Battlestar Galactica Season 4 (2008) The image is normally a center figure with flanked by four sets of trinities. Therefore, there is someone missing in the photo. I […]