Via Karenism:
Holly, you created a monster.
This includes the social impact of entertainment, but not books, media, and TV shows reviews—that stuff should be in arts and letters.
Reading a friend’s blog via vanity feed, I thought…
Whee! Me!
I don’t know how many times I’ve successfully argued a woman into dating me. Let me think about it…
I guess I’ll have to go with “None.”
I don’t know why I have bad luck. I’m very intelligent, I’m great in bed, I make great money. Believe it or not, I’m a complete catch. 🙁
Perhaps I need to be a little on the chubby side?
Don’t worry, Ladies of the Internet (pref. Nihonese), I’ll wait while you look up passive-aggressive personality disorder. 😀
(Thanks to Andrei for alighting me to these gems over the past year, his kevorka notithstanding.)
This summary of “Red Light States: Who buys adult entertainment” is too good not to share.
One wonders if AT&T and Comcast should not be lobbying more sexual repression.
BTW, the title of this article comes from this Avenue Q mashup:
Panasonic DMC-LX1
1/5sec, ƒ2.8, iso 100, 6.3mm (28mm)
No, this is not a sticker. This is the Kindle when it’s asleep. That’s the magic of e-Ink.
I found that you can’t clip from sample chapters 🙁 Major bummer!
To see a definition on the K2, just navigate to the left of the word and it pops up automatically. Here is a tip I found useful when setting your ad-hoc chapter markers just so.
Kindle 2 User’s Guide (
– Highlight Loc. 524-27 | Added on Thursday, February 26, 2009, 10:26 AMTip: You can quickly create a bookmark by either holding down the Alt key and pressing the B key, or by moving the 5-way up or down to go into cursor mode and then pressing the 5-way controller twice.
I cancelled my New Yorker (print) subscription and started it up on the Kindle. The New Yorker is nearly ideal subject matter for the Kindle. Note that while you get the cartoons, the cover art and any article art aren’t reproduced in the Kindle edition. 🙁 Amazon, please fix! Another note is that since they are Condé Nast, you can, with some finagling get the the print version much cheaper than the Kindle version.
The K2 version doesn’t have the ads so I don’t know how I feel about that. But if I really need such a think, I can just buy The Complete New Yorker.
The New Yorker (The New Yorker)
– Highlight Loc. 1818-19 | Added on Thursday, February 26, 2009, 09:18 PMThe problem with playing someone whose default setting is tabula rasa is pretty obvious, and the primary qualification that Dushku brings to the part is that she graduated with honors from the Royal Academy of Cleavage.
I like the expression at the end of this clipping. The article is a critical review of Joss Wheedon’s Doll House.
Kindle 2 User’s Guide (
– Highlight Loc. 642-44 | Added on Thursday, February 26, 2009, 10:47 PMTip: You can also play or stop Text-to-Speech by holding down the Shift key and pressing the Symbol key
The Kindle Text-to-Speech is much better than MacInTalk which came with the original Macintosh, but it’s nowhere close to where that technology has gone. I use this tip when I’m showing someone the text-to-speech and I need to stop it quickly.
Kindle 2 User’s Guide (
– Highlight Loc. 701-2 | Added on Thursday, February 26, 2009, 11:57 PMTip: You can also narrow a search in the Kindle Store to an author’s name by typing “@author” followed by the author’s name.
A shortcut. I use the Kindle Store a lot, but not to buy. I’ve read about a half dozen first chapters today.
Kindle 2 User’s Guide (
– Highlight Loc. 1043-45 | Added on Friday, February 27, 2009, 12:14 AMTip: If you would like to avoid the fee, address the e-mail so that the second part of your Kindle e-mail address is After sending to the address, a link to the converted file will be e-mailed to your e-mail address. You can then download the file to your Kindle’s documents folder via USB using your computer.
What can I say? I’m a cheapskate. 🙂
Nikon D3, Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G
1/60sec, ƒ2.8, iso 4500, 35mm
As you can see, my Kindle 2 gets more women than I do. I may have a weakness for women who read books, but Marie seems to only have a weakness for books. Major bummer.
Continue reading about getting free books on your Kindle after the jump.
A friend sent out this article about legalizing (and taxing) pot in California.
I must confess, that I’ve never smoked a joint in my life. It’s strange because I used to steal nitrous tanks in college and I have inhaled—one cannot live in San Francisco and not inhale that on a daily basis. I went through half my life confusing the smell of patchouli and pot and I needed a friend to explain to me that chronic was a type of weed. My only claim to fame is one year we lost a lot of cases in high school debate running a legalize marijuana plan.
So it is not surprising I had to ask a friend how much an ounce would cost. The answer is between $20-$50 an eighth. This puts the $50 an ounce tax at about a 13% tax.
Continue reading about Comparing MJ to tobacco and other state issues after the jump
On my way out of the office the other day I happened to glance at the front desk to see a stack of MaximumPC magazines. Curious I flipped through a couple issues and noted:
Why doesn’t the cover of MaximumPC have some hot Asian babe splayed across it?
A friend suggested that it was because maybe hot Asian babes used Macs, but what I was really trying to get at was how similar PC overclocking is to import car tuning.
Sometime just read the covers of MaximumPC and ModifiedMag and tell me they’re not the same magazine delta the modified women?
I’m actually counting the days until the next sequel to The Fast and the Furious will be about your next LAN party.
Zak Greant, who I owe big time because for allowing me to couch surf when I got locked out partying one night in Vancouver, is starting a new Mozilla Foundation program called Net Effects.
The idea is pretty simple. Just record a short snippet of you explaining how the internet has changed your life.
You can even post it to on this Flickr group.
Join and have at it. 🙂
On the flight from my old home (San Diego) to my new one (San Francisco), the captain announced that the San Diego Chargers had beaten the Indianapolis Colts in overtime to set up a playoff game against the Pittsburgh Steelers. John Cole reminds me that it’s been 14 years since their last infamous playoff matchup.
Here is a story from that time.
Continue reading about About “Three More Yards” and the overtime coin-toss after the jump
I read a while ago that the LIFE photography archive was on Google, but I didn’t really think about it until I stumbled across it while checking out the new version of CoolIris, which I’ve mentioned before.
On a whim, I tried looking for the famous cover photo of the LIFE article on the Lindy Hop.
I’d have taken a video but for some reason the video in SnapzPro doesn’t work with CoolIris on Safari. 🙁
The name “Lindy Hop” came because a news article on Charles Lindbergh’s 1927 flight of the Atlantic. It is said that the newspaper headline of the day read “Lindy Hops the Atlantic.”
Speaking of which, I wondered if they had a photo of the man who introduced aerials to dancing: Frankie Manning.
I met Frankie Manning once in 1998. I used to take photos and video of my friends dancing, so I asked him, on a whim, to give an intro to the website on camera. He looked into the videocam and said:
Welcome to the UIUC Swing Society web site. Those hep cats are really swinging!
Haha. I should dig up that video. Good times.
In my state Propsition 8 will try to amend the constitution to eliminate gay marriage. It will most likely pass.
I would normally use this as a launching pad into the utter stupidity of direct democracy. It is a shame that I can vote on propositions that can pass with a slim majority and have the force of a constitutional amendment.
But then others might say that, of course I’d have this view against Prop 8, I’m from the only part of the state that is opposed to the measure or some other assorted ad hominem.
In reality, I think that this shows how far I’ve come.