Another 8-1 decision and Guess who was the lone dissenter?
After they confirm Sotomayor, I hope they sit her right next to Clarence Thomas. Maybe some of her much-maligned “empathy” will rub off on the hypocrite “strict-constructionist.”
This includes the social impact of entertainment, but not books, media, and TV shows reviews—that stuff should be in arts and letters.
Another 8-1 decision and Guess who was the lone dissenter?
After they confirm Sotomayor, I hope they sit her right next to Clarence Thomas. Maybe some of her much-maligned “empathy” will rub off on the hypocrite “strict-constructionist.”
Surprising that it didn’t occur to me that Obama is the first Nerd Presdient:
So disappointed he didn’t know Shai-hulud, a thumper, and the Water of Life.
But then again, I have an edge with these questions. John Hodgman is almost exactly my age. 🙂
I remember watching the second presidential debate in 2004, pissed with John Kerry. “Why?” someone asked.
“Because his answer to the abortion question fits right in line with the image of him as a flip-flop.” I replied. “He doesn’t have to answer the question about spending itself, and sure there are nuances to that issue you can’t address in the debate, but he can answer with strong language the morals that guides his decisions; the commonality we all have to minimize unwanted pregnancies. Some pro-lifer is going to see that answer and their perception of Catholicks and think he’s a hypocrite.”
Four years later, we have Obama:
Something strange I ran across reading a book last night:
Tom Fink was my roommate in college. He got me in trouble with the instructor when he got caught with my lab notebooks in physics lab. I’ll always remember him as the guy who didn’t know the difference between EGA and VGA. 🙂
BTW, this is the book that the above refers to. I see he’s written this book also. You have to gone to school with him to understand why we’re tickled pink to see this.
Or is that tickled Fink?
I’m sorry I missed this word.
From DoubleX:
I agree that the Kirk/Spock dynamic was the richest in the film. But there’s another key relationship that I thought was even more fascinating—the one between Spock and Lt. Uhura. First off, it’s fantastic that Uhura finally feels like a major character, even though she still hasn’t graduated to wearing pants, and even though much of her role here is to provide romantic relief from the bromance and the action scenes.
(The rest of the article is similarly hilarious.)
If he got rid of the bromance, then J.J. Abrams would see some really outraged Trekkies.
At lunch today someone related this to me.
In the video game industry there is this expression called, “Time To Crate which is the shortest amount of time it takes for a gamer to reach the first crate (which contains health, ammo, and assorted goodies) in the game. Apparently, the shorter the time, the worse the game.
Because the gaming world is starting to merge with the social networking world, there is a new term out: Time To Cock. This is the time between the release of a user-generated content system and the point where that system is used to create a cock.
Apparently, with the advent of online gaming, both times have reached record lows.
Which explains things like this…and this.
Last year, Tagged relaunched our namesake, in which we allowed users to create their own tags. I won’t tell you what our Time To Cock was, except to say, it’s best measured using this function.
Another friend mentioned that he was doing a search the other day on his old company’s website, eGroups. The top results were all pictures of penises—the exact same problem they had back when he worked there.
The internet never changes. Gotta ❤ it!
Many people see affirmative action as a slippery slope to Harrison Bergeron. In light of a previous article and in the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that twice in my life I’ve been an Affirmative Action™ figure.
Here they are:
Continue reading about Terry Chay affirmative action figure after the jump
A position has opened up on the Supreme Court and no one has been nominated yet. But that doesn’t stop people from smearing someone and shouting “Affirmative Action™” from the rooftops just in case she might be. I guess if you’re not an old white dude, it must be affirmative action, because everyone knows only old white dudes are qualified.
This reverse discrimination reminds me of something my brother mentioned the other day about the Ivy League and its presidents:
But we all know that the only reason that the leaders of most prestigious academic institutions of this nation are 25% minorities and half women is only because of Affirmative Action™.
It seems to me that the only people out of touch with “regular Americans” are the bigots who still see gender and race as a defining trait. If people are going to attack this person based on her gender and race, they actually make the case on why we need affirmative action—after all isn’t the reason it exists is as a balance to such bigotry?
The Southern Strategy was a loser in the last election and will remain a loser indefinitely. These people need to wake up before they get run over.
One of the weird consequences a publicly-known fast food obsession housed in a tiny body is that friends keep sending me tasty things like turbaconducken and This Is Why You’re Fat.
A friend e-mailed this gem from Canada.
Shit! I hate to bitch, but I’d have used more expletives if I knew you were fucking tracking it. I mean I have my own hashtag, you bastards! 🙂
(Nice to see “twat” made the cursebird list. Unfortunately, I only contributed to it in my dreams.)