My first R rated movie

Me: I’m an innocent.

Mager: I believe you are secretly not innocent.

Me: I have gaps.
Me: Hmm… I should blog that.

Maybe I should have saved this for a Seven Things post, but my first R-rated movie was Quest for Fire. I saw it with my mom.

Here’s what happened.

My dad felt that it would be okay if my brother saw an R-rated movie for his birthday party, but there was no way C—’s mom would allow C— to see Porky’s. But, somehow Quest for Fire was okay because it was “an art film.” My mom had to chaperone my-brother’s-friends-whose parents-weren’t-cool-enough-to-let-them-see-Porky’s… and me.

My brother finally did catch my first R-rated movie in cable when he was in college. Of course he was shocked because Quest for Fire puts Porky’s to shame.

When he recounted that observation to my parents, I added, “I remember seeing that. I hated it because there was no speaking, only grunting.”

“Haha! You were like nine!”

“That was a horrible movie!” Mom rejoined, “I had to put my hand in front of Terry’s eyes for nearly thing. And he kept shouting, ‘Mommy, mommy are they done pumping yet?’ The whole theatre could hear it. I was so embarrassed.”

Ahh! Quest for Fire—one of those movies that makes you wonder What the fuck was MPAA ratings board was smoking at that night?

Quest for Fire in Hulu

Kid Tested, NotNSFW! Watch the movie. Jean-Jacques Annaud lays the smack down on the pr0n industry when he gets rid of the dialog entirely.

The origin of my affinity with Asian culture, which is frankly superior

Reading a friend’s blog via vanity feed, I thought…

Whee! Me!

I don’t know how many times I’ve successfully argued a woman into dating me. Let me think about it…

I guess I’ll have to go with “None.”

I don’t know why I have bad luck. I’m very intelligent, I’m great in bed, I make great money. Believe it or not, I’m a complete catch. 🙁

Perhaps I need to be a little on the chubby side?

ladies of the internet

Clearly I need this t-shirt

Don’t worry, Ladies of the Internet (pref. Nihonese), I’ll wait while you look up passive-aggressive personality disorder. 😀

(Thanks to Andrei for alighting me to these gems over the past year, his kevorka notithstanding.)

Bring Tina Fey to Michigan!

Last week, McCain pulled out of Michigan, the state parties’ reactions there is highly amusing

The Republican party there is apparently petitioning for Sarah Palin to visit Michigan in an attempt to prevent McCain from giving up on them.

The Democratic party there decided to “help” their brothers out by petitioning to bring actress Tina Fey to Michigan.

Continue reading about Tina Fey/Sarah Palin CNN video after the jump


I got a mysterious package and opened it. No, it wasn’t a unabomb, but some megalulz instead:


I Can Haz Cheezburger?:A LOLcat Colleckshun will be released October 7, but I got a copy in the mail today.

The book is from lulzftw, and is a best-of collection of lolcats—slightly disappointed that there are no lolgeeks. 😀

Mai awesum benny faktor tells me they’re having a book release party and photowalk later this month in San Francisco.

I think I’ll make one and give my book to the first person who asks (and I have it on me).

Make the events and you can has (mai or ur) bookz, too! 🙂

(Follow them on twitter.)


You’ve been hacked!

Well, Yahoo! Open Hackday has come and gone, and I’m still avoiding telling my Dave Filo story, so I suppose it won’t hurt to mention a fun pre-hackday hack I saw last August.

When the hackday registration page went up, it looked like this:

Yahoo HackDay 08

Notice the sample fields in grey? The one for the URL reads If you go to that URL you will see the following…

Where the page goes

text reads: terry wuz here

No, it wasn’t me…honest!

Continue reading about The story behind the hack after the jump.