Moritz Petersen took this wonderful photograph on Flickr:
This sparked a discussion on C.A.F.E. on how he managed to get the wonderful star pattern on his night shot.Continue reading
Moritz Petersen took this wonderful photograph on Flickr:
This sparked a discussion on C.A.F.E. on how he managed to get the wonderful star pattern on his night shot.Continue reading
Someone asked on Flickr if they should delete their camera raw files after converting to Adobe DNGs. Certainly you can see a strong pressure from Adobe to do so in order to save some hard drive space.
I don’t. Continue reading
Drew mentioned that Apple released an update to Aperture. This is probably the first of many though don’t expect anything major:
Aperture depends on the ImageIO Framework to do the file handling and Core Image to do the majority of the heavy lifting in the UI. So the largest changes should be expected when Apple updates the operating system, not Aperture.
I was looking for the English Nikon D70 manual (all I can seem to find is the Spanish version) and found that this FAQ pointed me to a PDF of the manual downloadable from Nikon Singapore.
I met Adam Tow only once, briefly at the Apple Store Palo Alto opening in 2001. He was on the roof next door taking photos of it.
From what little I know about him, he has three obsessions: Macs, mobile devices and photography. That gives him a special star in my book. So it should come as no surprise that he announced Annoture which allows round-tripping between Aperture and iView Media Pro.Continue reading
In a NYT editorial concerning America’s use of not-so-clever redefining the word “torture” to deny that America uses “extraordinary rendition†and similar tactics to cause de-facto torture:
But that doesn’t make it any less disturbing that the United States government seems to have lost its ability to distinguish between acts that may occur sub rosa in some exceptional, critical situations and the basic rules of proper international behavior.
Sub rosa means “pledged to secrecy†and is a Latin phrase (literally “under the roseâ€) which is a Middle Age practice that referenced a Greek myth I had not heard of.1
I first looked up the word when I wondered why SubRosaSoft, a Mac software company, got their name.
In any case, it’s a cool word. Also notice that the title of the editorial: “Secretary Rice’s Rendition†is a play on the double-meaning of the word rendition. I wasn’t aware of the legal meaning until this year—I can only guess as to how that word managed the tortuous path from its dramatic origin to the strange meaning today.
Carl Weese has an article today about using the ExpoDisc for digital white balance with some interesting history: it was used in 35mm film photography, before it found new life in digital.
ExpoDiscs are basically neutral translucent white filters or caps that allow you to take a white balance or exposure meter reading of the incident light, a couple are slightly cool colored which will shift your your photo to a more pleasing warmer color for skin tones. Sounds fancy, huh? They cost $60-$180.
I couldn’t resist the call of the Jobs and went and purchased Aperture!
I did a computation at work today and decided that Aperture must have hit the shelves today and a quick call to Apple Store proved me correct. Apple Store Palo Alto had already run out, but there were a number of copies available at the Mini Apple Store in Stanford Mall. (Yes, living in the Bay Area does have its advantages…)
I never purchased at a Mini Apple Store before. They don’t even have a cash register there, just a hole in the wall with a bunch of drawers. They actually took my credit card using a Symbol PDA and e-mailed me my receipt (because they had my name and dotMac account on record in the central computer).
Since we were in Palo Alto, I had to make the required stop for Caitlin for dinner at Patxi’s. We opened the box there while waiting 40 minutes for our pizza to cook. Someone from the 14-person long table came up to Caitlin, who was reading the box, and said, “Excuse me, I want to thank you—half the Apple Aperture team is sitting over there.” We turned around and got an ovation as their first real-live customer.
I should carry my camera around more often.
Mike Johnston, former writer of the weekly opinion column Sunday Morning Photographer, has launched a blog to talk about photography.
Check it out: The Online Photographer.
Anyone who has taken a flash photo of their cat is aware of the cloudy yellow/green reflection in their eyes. Such was a topic of discussion on Flickr Technique.
The reason for this is that cat eyes have a reflective coating in the back of their eyes called the tapetum. Nocturnal animals have this so that light passes twice through the transparent rods/cones of their eyes creating a second opportunity to absorb the photos and resulting in better night vision—at the price of some acuity of vision because of the folded optical path. Light comes from two distances and cats are far-sighted anyways.
Pretty neat piece of evolutionary engineering.Continue reading about red eye in photography after the jump.