At dinner with Morgan the other day, someone pointed out the past participle of “to twitter” should be “twat,” or perhaps “twatted.” As in, “That’s what she twatted.” Or, “I twat that.”
In twitter-speak, OH means “overheard” which is a polite way of saying, “I don’t want to embarrass the person we all can guess must have said this. *wink* *wink*”
In an early draft an article, I tried the word out. But I ended up editing it—it felt uncomfortable writing about someone’s “twat.”
I can’t believe you just blogged that.
I just twatted this blog entry. XD
So I noticed. You make me blush. *blush*
In the UK, Twatting someone is euphemism for hitting and/or being drunk. It’s also rather impolite, given its association with genitalia. Urban dictionary also demonstrates how it might be used:
Wouldn’t it be “twattered” ?
I’m pleased its catching on. Check out My friend made it in a few hours.