Jonathan Abrams, the junior programmer at Socializr, sent me this. He is looking to double the size at the Socializr World Headquarters!
They have put together #1, #2, and #3, but they need #4, #5 and #6 to complete Socialzr.

Socializr World Headquarters, SOMA, San Francisco, California
Nikon D200, Tokina 16-50mm AT-X PRO f/2.8 DX
1/80sec @ f/2.8, iso250, 16mm (24mm)
Jonathan sez: “Form feet and legs; form arms and body; and I’ll form the head…FORM BLAZING SWORD!
I’m behind on my Lunch 2.0 postings so I’ll post it here first.
Socializr is looking for Kick-Ass Coders — Employees #4, #5, and #6!
Socializr is a new Internet startup founded by Jonathan Abrams, the award-winning serial entrepreneur who created Friendster, and the co-owner of San Francisco nightclub Slide. Socializr is a free web service for sharing event and party information with your friends. It is our mission to be the best site on the web for online event invitations, event promotion, social planning, and event photo sharing. Socializr’s offices are located in the South of Market area in San Francisco.
Socializr is a very unique new company offering a dynamic and fun work environment. The company is currently only three people, and we plan to stay lean and mean. We are looking for our first additions to our software development team. The ideal candidates will be able to quickly contribute and create results. We need energetic and fun people who are passionate about building a great consumer web application with large traffic and growth.
If your idea of a fun afternoon is rapidly prototyping a cool new feature, creating an API, integrating with 3 other web services, AJAX-ifying something by hand with tight code instead of bulky libraries, and tuning a SQL query to be 100 times faster, all in one day, this may be the job for you. On the other hand, if your idea of fun is sitting around in meetings or working on code that doesn’t scale or products that no one will ever use, Socializr is probably not the right place for you.
[Mad skillz after the jump.]
Technology skills required:
- server-side web development in JSP/PHP/Ruby
- object-oriented programming (C++/Java)
- DHTML/JavaScript
- HTML and CSS
We are looking for quality, not quantity, for our small team. We don’t care where you went to school or what your SAT scores were. We need someone who is a good fit for our small young team, who can really get things done.
For more information:
- San Francisco Chronicle: “Now he’s a friend to socializers: Friendster founder’s latest online venture offers invitations and event planning, along with social networking features”
- Wired: “What I learend from Friendster: Jonathan Ambrams’ New Startup”
- Jobs at Socializr
Email resumes to abrams [at] here.
[tags]Lunch 2.0, Jonathan Abrams, Socializr, Voltron, jobs, coders, SOMA, San Francisco, JSP, PHP, ASP, Ajax, Object Oriented Programming, C++, Java, Javascript, DHTML, CSS, SQL[/tags]
Is it really powered by a C64?
$ wget -S
Server: Commodore 64 HTTPD