When I was generating the movies for my OSCON talk, I left in a little easter egg that was too hard to notice. Doing little things like this makes things a little fun when you are bored with the tedium of making hundreds of builds for your talk. I decided to get a screenshot in before all the task items get marked as overdue.
I managed to snag a copy of Damian Conway’s handout for his Presentation Aikido tutorial. I missed it because I was out hiking that day (and to be honest, I’d have probably missed it even if I had not been hiking because I would have spent that time making my slides).
(Last year, Thies and Sterling suggested I should go see it sometime. That time, I did manage to catch his Sufficiently Advanced Technologies… talk and recommended that my friends at OSCON go see his talk.)
I can’t hope to do as well as him in my talks, but I don’t have a cool English accent. Still, his tutorial got me thinking that it would be a little fun to devote some blog entries to giving presentations in general and mastering Keynote in particular.
So this is my first tip. Making slides can be really boring so be sure to leave a bunch of inside jokes for yourself.
NB: I will be posting my slides from my talk (and a movie of it). I am just in dire need of bandwidth. Suggestions?