First no headphone jack and now inability to catch fire and explode. Apple iPhone 7 is a HUUGE disappointment!
— terry chay (@tychay) October 12, 2016
This tweet touched off an interesting conversation:
First no headphone jack and now inability to catch fire and explode. Apple iPhone 7 is a HUUGE disappointment!
— terry chay (@tychay) October 12, 2016
This tweet touched off an interesting conversation:
Photos from January 24, 2015.
A weekend away from it all was also an opportunity to try to shoot again with my Leica. I haven’t been doing any photography for a long time, especially with this camera — just having it with me was a minor success, even if I left it in the bag almost the entire time.
Finally, while we were eating a quiet lunch in St. Helena, I got the courage to take the M8 out and to start shooting. It’s frustrating to realize that you have to relearn how to focus and expose manually — even more embarrassing is forgetting to take off the lens cap before pressing the shutter button! But then you remember that photography is about learning how to see, and there is a small joy in experiencing that again as a beginner.
Leica M8, Cosina-Voigtländer NOKTON 35mm F1.2 Aspherical
1/125sec, iso 160, 35mm (47mm)
Continue reading about some photos I took with my Leica M8 and iPhone 6 after the jump
Photos from February 15, 2015.
I turn the ever-boring “Stretch-X” workouts in P90X on the rest days into excuses to go running. On some days, the time and place fall in line with a holiday, in this case President’s Day weekend on a beautiful late-afternoon in San Francisco.
How lucky I am to live in such a place that I see this on my weekly run!
Continue reading about this photo after the jump
[John Gruber writes][]:
One of these guys is wrong.
It’s [possible][wiki:false dilemma] that they’re both right in what they observed, but both wrong in trying to derive a conclusion from their observations.
[John Gruber writes]: “Two Takes on Google Glass at I/O—Daring Fireball”
[wiki:false dilemma]: “False dilemma—Wikipedia”
Continue reading about false dichotomies and false conclusions after the jump
In followup to this post
And yes, I had kimchi at Thanksgiving. 🙂
### Update ###
Nikon D3, Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G
1/320sec @ ƒ2.8, ISO400, 28mm
It’s been four years [since I last wrote about my cousin Juno][thanksgiving chicken]. I haven’t changed much but a baby grows up a lot in that time.
While technically he’s my nephew, he calls me “사촌”—사촌 (sa-chon) means cousin in Korean, so I refer to him as my cousin Juno. And apparently I’m a big hit with him—Juno constantly pesters his parents before family get togethers, “Is Sa-chon Terry going to be there?”
The reason why is I have a secret weapon…
Leica M8, Voigtländer Nokton 35mm F1.2
1/60sec, ISO160, 35mm (47mm)
…an iPhone loaded with [tons of free and $1 games][nintendo vs iphone].
Unfortunately because I never actually *play* the games, I hadn’t unlocked enough levels in [Krazy Kart][krazykart]. Marie had to help out:
Leica M8, Voigtländer Nokton 35mm F1.2
1/60sec, ISO160, 35mm (47mm)
What an amazing device, and an amazing cousin. Oh, to be a kid right now! Wait a minute…
We still are!
[thanksgiving chicken]: “It isn’t Thanksgiving without the kimchee”
[krazykart]: “Krazy Kart Racing (US)—iTunes Store”
[nintendo vs iphone]: “The Fire—Penny Arcade”
Me (as navigator): Okay go right here and then turn left onto Mission.
… (later)
Me: Are you sure you are going the right direction?
[Her][thesimplist]: I got it under control.
Me: I think you must have gone the wrong direction earlier.
Her: I turned onto Mission like you said.
Me: Oh! I should have told you that the turn was more like a hairpin left.
Her: You give terrible directions.
Me: Well don’t blame me, blame Google. See?
Her: Those directions are terrible, it should have said, “Flip a bitch onto Mission Street.”
Are you listening, Siri?
[thesimplist]: “The Simplist: Being. Doing. Enjoying”
My friend, [Andrei][Andrei], [points out][Andrei link dump] [an article][abovethecrowd article] as possible counter point to my [observation][first article] and [ridicule][second article].
It is [an interesting article][abovethecrowd article] for those not familiar with the legal basis created by the Right of First Sale or the Betamax case (though the application is not **literally** true in the case of Netflix. [Netflix revenue shares][hacking netflix], and has used similar deals [to bargain with in early streaming contracts][netflix warner]).
But, despite those good points, here is why this article is actually pretty terrible…
[hacking netflix]: “Netflix Pays a Revenue Share on About Half of Rentals—Hacking”
[netflix warner]: “Netflix agrees to delay in renting out Warner movies—LA Times”
[abovethecrowd article]: “Understanding Why Netflix Changed Pricing—AboveTheCrowd”
[Andrei link dump]:
[first article]: “DVDs By Mail”
[second article]: “Translation from PR-Speak to English of Selected Portions of Netflix CEO Reed Hastings’s E-Mail to Netflix’s Entire Customer Base”
[second article]: “Translation from PR-Speak to English of Selected Portions of Netflix CEO Reed Hastings’s E-Mail to Netflix’s Entire Customer Base”
Continue reading about my critique of the defense after the jump
Now that this site has been down for a month (Thank you, SARSxSW), I tried to see restart this blog with a deep thought.
I couldn’t come up with anything.
So instead, I’ll talk about the tech news. Recently a lot has been going on about Steve Jobs latest missive: “Thoughts on Flash” to which, Adobe’s CEO quickly responded to in the Wall Street Journal.
Instead of rushing to Apple’s defense here, I thought I’d provide some thoughts on these “thoughts.”
Buried in a previous article, instead of carrying the paper manuals around, I mentioned that you should download your manufacturer’s camera manuals onto the iPhone for reference. But I didn’t explain how this could be done or why it is useful.
Here are three applications I’ve used that render PDFs:
I’ll be talking about Air Sharing, Dropbox, and GoodReader. If you want to know the solution I use for camera manuals, skip to the section on GoodReader.
Continue reading about reading PDF manuals in Air Sharing, Dropbox, and GoodReader after the jump