Web SIG’s red pill

I promised Bess I’d mention that I’ll be at WebSIG’s “Wiki Technology and Trends” event taking photos and generally making an ass of myself.

Admission is free with RSVP do it!

Because it is Halloween, there is a suggested dress code of being an Agent which I’ve mixed feelings about. On one hand, I don’t have that sort of tie and dress shirt lying around; on the other hand, I look devilishly handsome in a suit. 😀
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PR 2.0

Here’s Brian Solis’s blog I ran across because of the latest Lunch 2.0 event (oDesk): PR 2.0. Since I’m not a PR/Marketing type I don’t understand it, but other readers might find it useful in finding there is more to Web 2.0 marketing than “viral marketing.”

Actually, I’m hurt that in PR 2.0’s latest article, Jeremiah credited Joseph with co-founding Lunch 2.0 instead of me. He deserves to be boinked for that one, especially because I distinctly remember explaining to him how four of us founded Lunch 2.0 before I blacked out at the del.icio.us party.

Here I’m telling the Lunch 2.0 story to Kay. Obviously she is overpowered to be talking to the guy who ponied up all the venture capital for Lunch 2.0 ($2.95 for the domain name). I only had three glasses of wine at this point. Still sober.
Photo by Jeremiah Owyang.

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G buys YT

Google buys YouTube.

Is a buyout an admission that Google Video got their asses kicked in?

Not sure about the price, but it makes some sense. No media company is going to touch YouTube with a ten foot pole and the biggest cost for YouTube is bandwidth, which Google has gobs of.

Does this mean I have to find another source for my Daily Show/Colbert Report fix?

Now about those copyrights…


If any of you can watch any of these videos to the end, tell me about it.

I’d file this under humor but, I have no idea if any these are funny. I watched the first 12 seconds of the first few and felt that was a pretty good exercise in willpower.

Let’s just say YouTube is the modern day Gong Show.