My monkey typing resonates

“We’ve all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.”

Chimp typing

Your humble author at work writing this article.

I love to quote people quoting me. I do this by creating a vanity feed— I like to look at it as stalking myself. Skimming my vanity feed last night, I read this:

Terry Chay once said something that resonated with me — one of the few things, actually — and it was something like this: complex > complicated, and that simple does not necessarily mean “not complex”. The point is that you can have a complex implementation that covers many use cases, without the implementation being complicated, and with the API still being relatively simple.
Matthew Weier O’Phinney

Only a few? Geez. I’m (almost) hurt. Next time, I see you, I’m going to call you Matthew O’Phinney.

For reference, here is the talk where Matthew is referring to, along with other previous references.

Since, like Matthew I work on a framework, I thought some of you might find this simple/simplistic complex/complicated distinction resonates with you as you write code.

I can’t claim credit for this idea. It comes from a different monkey, well before the internet:

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.”
Albert Einstein

Kindle Clippings 2009-02-27

Kindle saver

Kindle saver
North Beach, San Francisco, California

Panasonic DMC-LX1
1/5sec, ƒ2.8, iso 100, 6.3mm (28mm)

No, this is not a sticker. This is the Kindle when it’s asleep. That’s the magic of e-Ink.

I found that you can’t clip from sample chapters 🙁 Major bummer!

To see a definition on the K2, just navigate to the left of the word and it pops up automatically. Here is a tip I found useful when setting your ad-hoc chapter markers just so.

Kindle 2 User’s Guide (
– Highlight Loc. 524-27 | Added on Thursday, February 26, 2009, 10:26 AM

Tip: You can quickly create a bookmark by either holding down the Alt key and pressing the B key, or by moving the 5-way up or down to go into cursor mode and then pressing the 5-way controller twice.

I cancelled my New Yorker (print) subscription and started it up on the Kindle. The New Yorker is nearly ideal subject matter for the Kindle. Note that while you get the cartoons, the cover art and any article art aren’t reproduced in the Kindle edition. 🙁 Amazon, please fix! Another note is that since they are Condé Nast, you can, with some finagling get the the print version much cheaper than the Kindle version.

The K2 version doesn’t have the ads so I don’t know how I feel about that. But if I really need such a think, I can just buy The Complete New Yorker.

The New Yorker (The New Yorker)
– Highlight Loc. 1818-19 | Added on Thursday, February 26, 2009, 09:18 PM

The problem with playing someone whose default setting is tabula rasa is pretty obvious, and the primary qualification that Dushku brings to the part is that she graduated with honors from the Royal Academy of Cleavage.

I like the expression at the end of this clipping. The article is a critical review of Joss Wheedon’s Doll House.

Kindle 2 User’s Guide (
– Highlight Loc. 642-44 | Added on Thursday, February 26, 2009, 10:47 PM

Tip: You can also play or stop Text-to-Speech by holding down the Shift key and pressing the Symbol key

The Kindle Text-to-Speech is much better than MacInTalk which came with the original Macintosh, but it’s nowhere close to where that technology has gone. I use this tip when I’m showing someone the text-to-speech and I need to stop it quickly.

Kindle 2 User’s Guide (
– Highlight Loc. 701-2 | Added on Thursday, February 26, 2009, 11:57 PM

Tip: You can also narrow a search in the Kindle Store to an author’s name by typing “@author” followed by the author’s name.

A shortcut. I use the Kindle Store a lot, but not to buy. I’ve read about a half dozen first chapters today.

Kindle 2 User’s Guide (
– Highlight Loc. 1043-45 | Added on Friday, February 27, 2009, 12:14 AM

Tip: If you would like to avoid the fee, address the e-mail so that the second part of your Kindle e-mail address is After sending to the address, a link to the converted file will be e-mailed to your e-mail address. You can then download the file to your Kindle’s documents folder via USB using your computer.

What can I say? I’m a cheapskate. 🙂


The Kindle is a better conversationalist
Sushi on North Beach, North Beach, San Francisco, California

Nikon D3, Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G
1/60sec, ƒ2.8, iso 4500, 35mm

As you can see, my Kindle 2 gets more women than I do. I may have a weakness for women who read books, but Marie seems to only have a weakness for books. Major bummer.

Continue reading about getting free books on your Kindle after the jump.


The Wired cover article this month is worth a read but brings me on a big rant. The article covers how people trained in theoretical physicists migrated into Wall Street over the last 30 years and created the math that lead the financial bubble bursting.

I was trained as a condensed matter theoretical physicist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. My advisor created the company that built software similar to the ones that powered this disaster when I was there (mid 90’s). Half of my advisor’s students ended up “quants” on Wall Street.

You’re. In. My. House.

And I have only one anecdote to relate.

Continue reading about Non-equilibrium physics after the jump

How much for that Mary Jane?

A friend sent out this article about legalizing (and taxing) pot in California.

Marijuana, Hey at least it’s not crack!

I must confess, that I’ve never smoked a joint in my life. It’s strange because I used to steal nitrous tanks in college and I have inhaled—one cannot live in San Francisco and not inhale that on a daily basis. I went through half my life confusing the smell of patchouli and pot and I needed a friend to explain to me that chronic was a type of weed. My only claim to fame is one year we lost a lot of cases in high school debate running a legalize marijuana plan.

So it is not surprising I had to ask a friend how much an ounce would cost. The answer is between $20-$50 an eighth. This puts the $50 an ounce tax at about a 13% tax.

Continue reading about Comparing MJ to tobacco and other state issues after the jump

The Nimble and the Nerdy

On my way out of the office the other day I happened to glance at the front desk to see a stack of MaximumPC magazines. Curious I flipped through a couple issues and noted:

Why doesn’t the cover of MaximumPC have some hot Asian babe splayed across it?

A friend suggested that it was because maybe hot Asian babes used Macs, but what I was really trying to get at was how similar PC overclocking is to import car tuning.

Maximum PC Modified


Sometime just read the covers of MaximumPC and ModifiedMag and tell me they’re not the same magazine delta the modified women?

I’m actually counting the days until the next sequel to The Fast and the Furious will be about your next LAN party.

PHP is a dying language

Me: 10 to 1 whatever kid wrote that is a ruby developer
Friend: haha

I’m just stating the obvious. When the first computer was invented, the legendary Grace Hopper created the first compiled programming language. That language is still around and is still popular today!

Programming languages don’t “die,” they proliferate.

And when a person makes blanket statements like, “PHP is a dying language,” it allows me to a make blanket statement about that person’s programming preferences and maturity.

The difference is, my statement is probably right.

A Net Effect

Zak Greant, who I owe big time because for allowing me to couch surf when I got locked out partying one night in Vancouver, is starting a new Mozilla Foundation program called Net Effects.

The idea is pretty simple. Just record a short snippet of you explaining how the internet has changed your life.

Zak gives a demo of how the internet has changed his life

You can even post it to on this Flickr group.

Join and have at it. 🙂

Dustbin of history

“Couldn’t care less about George Bush, he’s just a gutless spoiled brat asswipe that belongs in the dustbin of history. A Wiki entry a hundred years from now beginning with ‘GW Bush elected 43rd president of the United States. WTF were they thinking?’”
—Tsulagi on Balloon Juice

I found this quote amusing.

One interesting thing I’m noticing from that thread is that I can now agree with the points both sides are making even though I reserve my opinion on the matter. That’s how I used to be feel about politics back in the 80’s and early 90’s.

Even though my opinions were wrong then, it’s nice to feel that being wrong is an option.

After all, we learn by being wrong.


Well the Kindle 2 came out today so I preordered it.

This morning two people IM’d me about it so I decided to give the first my Amazon referral bucks. I give Amazon bucks semi-randomly to various friends and he asked me how I do it.

I use a “Buy from Amazon” bookmarklet I wrote to make life easier.

You can drag that into your toolbar if you like. One nice thing is to remove the second prompt and just replace the href with the tag to yourself. I keep it this way so that I remember to put the associate ID of one of my friends since I put them on rotation. Kindle 2: Amazon's New Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation): Kindle Kindle 2: Amazon's New Wireless Reading Device (Latest Generation): Kindle Store

Anyone else wonder why Amazon decided to call it the Kindle? Shouldn’t it be something more akin to Treehugger? I thought Green was in.

Continue reading about My take on the K2 after the jump