DX smackdown

Someone on flickr decided to engage in a smackdown of the APS-C format. The problem with these is that they often parrot experts who don’t really remember their history. I’m sure when these experts were young pups, they defended their 35mm film cameras against the old codgers doing medium or full-frame photography. They miss the […]

No value deal

I stopped by Wendy’s on the way back from the ski rental. I noticed the double was selling for $1 more than the single and the triple was $1 more than the double. But they were advertising “Double the beef just add 89 cents.” So technically you save 11 cents if you order a single […]

Gmail to Plaxo import

An interesting question came up the other day about gMail synchronization with Plaxo. Synchronization is not possible because Google doesn’t provide an API for synching. (In fact, AFAIK, they only publicly provide Gmail import.) Without a synchronization API, there is no way to handle resolving issues where a contact is changed on both Gmail and […]

Andy Card resigns

Andy Card resigns as White House Chief of Staff and is replaced by Yosh Bolten. This is a total non-story which is only interesting to those trying to survey how many people are trying to squeeze water from this rock. The best take I read about this was a comment on the formerly right-wing blog, […]

Big Trouble in Little OSCON

It turns out two of my talks have been accepted at OSCON this year. They are “0 to 60 in 45 minutes: A Down and Dirty Ajax Design Patterns firedrill” in the new AJAX track and “The Underpants Gnomes Strategy Guide: An Ecards Case Study” in the PHP track. Given my penchant for working on […]

Being a playa hatah

The first time I heard of ”player hater” was about four years ago when Sean showed me the Star Wars Gangsta Rap viral video. If you somehow missed that, you need to watch it. If you’ve already seen it 100 times, one more won’t hurt. 🙂 Gizmodo reports the hate for a different sort of […]


Gizmodo had a funny article which pointed to something I had missed. That an Onion parody article on a 5-bladed Gillette in response to Schick came true late last year. [razor blade models and college stories after the jump]

A good idea gone wrong

Flickr a few months ago created a good idea: they inject a div into the landing page of login that allows them to send arbitrary messages to you that you can dismiss. I definitely think more websites should do that. Imagine my surprise when I found this notification today: Umm, guys according to your records […]

Ghetto tips

Mike, a friend and former co-worker pointed me to Go Ghetto. I looked at it and promptly forgot about it. I should have read Mike’s blog closer because at Lunch 2.0 today, I found out that my friends Holly and (a different) Mike are the instigators of GoGhetto. (What a weird small world we live […]

Shooting people at work

There has been a movement in Plaxo recently to make the blog “more edgy” and less bland corporate PR crap. I can only say that’s a good thing. One little gem of that outgrowth is a wonderful entry by my co-worker Michael Rowley on photographing people at work. Actually, yesterday we had a “Haxo” day […]