Last week, a friend sent me this with the comment:
So a group of us are going. You want in? The intent is to drink insanely, get destroyed and go to the VIP section.
[I have to ask…after the jump]Continue reading
This includes the social impact of entertainment, but not books, media, and TV shows reviews—that stuff should be in arts and letters.
Last week, a friend sent me this with the comment:
So a group of us are going. You want in? The intent is to drink insanely, get destroyed and go to the VIP section.
[I have to ask…after the jump]Continue reading
My first twitterstalk.
When I woke up, just as I was heading out from McDonald’s, I noticed Scott Beale’s tweet about being at the only In ‘N Out in the city. That was just three blocks away from me.
I first met Scott when he showed up to the Hitachi Lunch 2.0 Web Expo last year. Ever since then, I run into him shooting his Canon 5D with a 24-105mm f/4L at events that I happen to stumble upon that are halfway interesting:
Nikon D3, Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D, SB-800
1/80sec @ f/1.8, iso800, 50mm
(He’s gotten so used to his setup that you no longer notice it’s there anymore—and that’s a pretty big camera too.)
He was surprised that anyone he knew actually lived in the area. Scott was just heading from an event and I was late to one. (Apparently, according to someone at the Meetro party, I had a disco nap that went way over.)
Since I was late anyway, I bugged Scott about his recent appearance in a Wall Street Journal article on LOLcats. We also discussed Lunch 2.0, social networking, photography, and the insanity that is Fisherman’s Wharf.
There were a lot of funny miscommunications because we hang around in different circles and assumed we each knew the other’s peeps—his are the entire San Francisco art, culture and tech scene; mine are my imaginary friends.
Scott is a good person to know.
[tags]Fisherman’s Wharf, San Francisco, photography, Twitter, TwitterStalk, Laughing Squid, Scott Beale, nap, disco nap, LOLcats, Lunch 2.0, Wall Street Journal[/tags]
Just got back from crashing the Xobni party.
Xobni is a Y Combinator company which has managed to reach the point of external funding. I have no clue what Xobni does other than make a Facebook app that tells people to e-mail you instead of send a message—I installed it in my profile just before heading out so I could not be totally full of shit.
Basically what Y Combinator does is give people a tiny amount of seed money to create a company, because WTF, it’s super cheap to create a Web 2.0 company. That’s a pretty good low risk, high beta idea, I suppose, but you’d have to be pretty young to be a Y Combinator company since anyone old can just jet over to the ATM and withdraw that amount.
(As you can imagine, I was one of the oldest people there. My bank statement I picked up as I staggered up to my apartment says I could start two Y Combinators from my checking account alone and I’m pretty much the poorest, most financially irresponsible techie in the Bay Area.)
[My party observations after the jump.]Continue reading
Zivity is social networking meets photo sharing meets erotica (or maybe just fine art and fashion). And they’re nearing launch.
The reason I like them (besides the fact that they sometimes invite this wallflower to their parties) is that they share royalties based on popularity with both their models and the photographers to take the pictures. That’s how it should be.
Interested in being a sweetheart or photographer?
Today I received an e-mail confirmation to their mailing list.
You’re welcome.
Rawr! 😀
*iPhone rings*
“What’s up?”
“You called me earlier.”
“I’m at work now.”
“What’s that noise in the background.”
“I’m watching the latest BubCast. There is something about Spock. They’re hosting a Lunch 2.0 soon and I need some fodder for our announcement. All I found so far was that shit TED posted.”
“You know…from Uncov? I met him last week. Someone on the website said he looks like Steve Jobs and John Lennon’s love child.”
Nikon D200, Tokina 16-50mm AT-X PRO f/2.8 DX, built-in flash
1/60sec @ f/3.2, iso800, 17mm (25mm)
“ is everywhere. I was talking to some guy the other day saying how is everywhere and he says, ‘I write for’”
“Who was it? Alex Ho?”
“I don’t know.”
“Asian dude, carries a Canon, takes event photos.”
“Yeah, I think that was him.”
*watching video* “Geez, what’s up with this cute-girls-reading-geek-news thing anyway?”
“I suppose that’s the new booth babe. That reminds me of the double-switch. Did I ever tell you about the double switch?”
[The double-switch, t-shirts, and Lunch 2.0 after the jump.]Continue reading
Nowadays, when I mention that I’m an introvert to someone, they can’t help but let out a short laugh. More than a couple people have called me a social butterfly recently.
My senior year in high school, a friend’s mother was having us play a charades game where you’re given a description of yourself and act it out as the other people in the church group tried to guess. Mine was wallflower. And maybe it’s a testament to how much of a wallflower I am when I say I had no idea what a wallflower was, let alone how to act it out.
I had this friend, J—, who had transferred in that year. He has that sort of natural good looks and handsome charm that girls just go for, but had the misfortune of being placed in our top math class.
(Oh sure, that’s a good thing if you wanted a 5 in your Calculus BC Advanced Placement exam, but it probably didn’t help the very much if you are a social animal like J—.)
I think we only became friends because one day in class I was really tired and started to rub my eyes in a manner he thought funny. My recovery was saying that this was an ancient oriental secret and he should start rubbing his eyes that way also and then he’d start getting better grades in the class. Sure, a side effect is that his eyes might change and his hair might darken like mine, but it’d be worth it.
[About J— and me at parties after the jump.]Continue reading
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any geekier with inside jokes, lolgeeks is an amusing take on LOLCATS. Here geeks make various image macros in pidgin of photos of other geeks.
And just when you thought I couldn’t get any geekier, I find out that my “Chris as a beer” photo made lolgeeks…
Nikon D200, 10.5mm f/2.8G fisheye
1/180 sec @ f/13, iso 125, 11mm (15mm)
LOLGEEKS: i is a beer!
me: lol. i is a fotografr!
flawedartist: oh rly? no wai!
Chris, that’s karmic retribution for being declared a PHP hero a full three weeks before me!
Like that stuff? Then if you are “in” the social networking site with wit (and a horrible name): I’m In Like With You, why the hell aren’t you bidding up, flawedartist’s game in which Max Levchin, co-founder of PayPal and CEO of Slide at Facebook’s f8 event, is in sore need of an lolgeeks caption?
im in like with yr games
bidding up yr peeps
[more inside geek jokes after the jump]Continue reading
F—: I wanted to ask you about the the Ning network.
Nikon D200, Tokina AT-X PRO 16-50mm f/2.8 DX
1/80sec @ f/8, iso100, 17mm (25mm)
Me: Okay, but I’m not the person to ask, you should have you should have gone to Lunch 2.0 and asked Gina yourself.
F—: How does it compare to Facebook? Does it feel like you are creating more of a community?
Me: Facebook is best for personal social networking. (Among other things,) Ning is basically Yahoo! groups for Web 2.0 (…or they should head that direction). 🙂
F—: I see. Is there any other sites doing similar stuff?
Me: Yeah, I think there are a couple.
F—: Cool. Thanks.
Me: No problem.
When Jeremiah twittered that he was going to check out he Zombie flash mob, I had to jet off work and check it out.
It was a lot of fun running out of the office: “Where are you going?”
I managed to escape that day with only a little zombie blood on my pants and a memory card full of images I should post to flickr. But today, I got f&@$ing bit on Facebook by Blake.
There is a 20 bites/day maximum right now so what I want to do to reach Leftenant Zombie status is have you add the zombie application and then say that I was the one who bit you. (If you aren’t my friend. Just friend me and send me a message saying “BRAINS!!!!”)
Now I know what Blake’s been doing with all that spare time since BuildForge got bought out by IBM.
Nikon D200, Tokina AT-X PRO 16-50mm f/2.8 DX
1/40sec @ f/2.8, iso800, 26mm (39mm)
(Hey Slide or Bitnik, Wouldn’t it be cool if an app like CrazyFunPix had a zombify editor? You know so I can celebrate my new found need for BRAINS???)
[I’ll post the zombie flashmob photos sometime later.]
Overheard S— talking today. Here are some snippets:
“You know how you see a girl with a hat and sunglasses on, and you think, ‘She’s pretty hot.’ Then she takes it off and she goes from pretty to ugly in like that! “That happened to me today, and I realize that’s why nobody knows who Batman is. From now on I’m calling it the ‘Bat Cowl.’
“Yeah, yeah. [the girls] know that the hat and sunglass thing is totally cute—that’s why they do it. But if [a guy] makes a judgement based on the Bat Cowl, he’s basically judging her based on her chin: ‘Excuse me, you have a pretty chin. Can you take off your sunglasses and hat?’”
Good thing I wasn’t drinking anything at the time. I’d have had coke up my nose.