Mountain View, California
Nikon D70, Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D
1/50sec @ f/1.8, iso 640, 50mm (75mm)
Yet another piece of the internet zeitgeist passes me by…
[More cats after the jump.]
Yes, I remember the twitter error pages, but until I was invited to join LOLCATS, I had no idea that cat macros even existed. Also, the classic: I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER? (favorite. Thanks Reid.)
Other fun stuff: LOLCODE Grammar: (LKSL-101, Anil Dash). I used fd’s flickr toys to generate the macro, but you can also use LolCat Buildr. See this blog post; <a href="http://www.randomkittengenerator.com/" title="THe World Famous Random Kitten GeneratorKitten Generator from Kittenwar (BTW, I didn’t know you could get the favicon to animate.); Catster; and the web page that started it all.
Ahh, how far we’ve come. Is Iris’s Kittenflix next or just coming full circle?
hi m8
Brian McCallister points out this great LOL CATS