[Note: When I say (paraphrased), the people linked didn’t actually say those words, but it does express a sentiment or a misinterpretation could ensue that I want to address.]
“If successful, this is going to fragment the PHP community.” (paraphrased)
The PHP community is actually mostly userspace PHP and userspace doesn’t need—and can’t use—HipHop. PHP, in the end, is built on the backs of user-space applications run on shared hosting—this is the large funnel that drives adopation and has catapulted PHP to the 3rd most popular language overall .
Core development is much more pragmatic than userspace, but key limitations of HipHop (mentioned below) preclude the core from running in that direction. Besides, Ilia cogently notes that PHP core developers are C coders, not C++.

Facebook, Palo Alto, California
Sony DSC-WX1
1/125sec @ f/2.4 ISO400, 4.2mm (24mm), vertical panorama mode.
The usual suspects, minus a few people, are in the room. I should have gone the second day so I could get plastered. I’ll be blogging a little about about these people as breaks from the article at large (too large?).
“PHP is a slow interpreted language”
“HipHop is a [JIT|Rewrite of the core|new language].” (paraphrase)
No. No. and No.
A lot of this came about because the rumor mill was going heavily before the release and I share in some of the blame by not being clear in my reference to it back in December. Here’s an example of how bad it got by January:
“For example, this guy right now is single-handedly rewriting, essentially, the entire site. Our site is coded, I’d say, 90% in PHP. All the front end — everything you see — is generated via a language called PHP. He is creating HPHP, Hyper-PHP, which means he’s literally rewriting the entire language…However, if you went to go talk to him about basketball, you would probably have the most awkward conversation you’d have with a human being in your entire life. You just can’t talk to these people on a normal level.”
—Anonymous Facebook employee
I kept that last sentence in because I have had no trouble talking to Haiping about basketball—just keep your discussion focused on the Houston Rockets 😉
“This is no different than [some other PHP compiler]”
– Roadsend, Quercus, Phc, etc.
Here’s a history lesson: there were three nuclear powerplant designs in the United States. The first was designed and completed first by General Electric—that’s the one that powered Three Mile Island, the next was designed and completed by Westinghouse—that’s the basis of the Light water reactor designs you see talked about recently, the third was designed by General Atomics.
Since my dad worked for General Atomics in graduate school and was a Westinghouse employee for thirty years, I asked him about which design was the best. He said, “I felt the GA design was the safest of the three, but it was never produced because the other designs were completed first. When you deal with nuclear power, nobody wants to take risks.”
HipHop has one thing going for it the others don’t: it’s in use, live, on a site that does billions of monthlies. It’s performance gains are there for the world to see.
And when you deal with websites on this scale, nobody wants to take risks unless they have to.
So this means that WordPress will be converted to HipHop?
So this means that there’s no point in converting anything to HipHop.

Facebook, Palo Alto, California
Olympus E-P2, Cosina-Voigtländer NOKTON Classic 40mm f1.4 S.C.
1/100sec, ISO320, 40mm (70mm)
Marco Tabini is the co-founder of php|architect. He also does PHP consulting through Blue Parabola, LLC.
About three years ago, he tried to make a PHP script to C extension compiler. You can read his take on HipHop here.
“If I only had HipHop, my scalability problems would have been solved!” (paraphrased)
HipHop is a performance mod, not a scalability one. That’s good because scalability is an architecture problem, not a language one.
But clearly the example I linked is scaled. Let’s take that example:
30 million monthlies on 25 Apache web servers, 6 MySQL databases + ? memcached boxes + squid + PHP on eAccelerator =running hotter than 20%.
They’re a blogging site, so I should use WordPress.com’s numbers, but I won’t. I think we all can agree a social network is more data intensive, so lets take numbers I am more familiar with:
7 billion monthlies (20 billion dynamic pages monthly) on 120 Apache web servers, 10 Oracle databases + 30 memcached boxes + Netscalers + PHP on APC. =nominal load.
Why the at-least 50x server efficiency difference? I’d hazard to guess that the system, like most systems, are bottlenecked on the data tier. Was it really PHP that was crashing on these Grey’s Anatomy spikes or was it that PHP was waiting on the database disk and thus all the processes were backed up? Is all your data in RAM somewhere? What’s your memcached hit rate? Facebook’s is at 98%. How about network I/O? Can your servers handle twice the I/O per machine?
(Well actually a large difference is I didn’t mention was that 80 machines + almost all new server outlays were repurposed for back-end business logic services written in Java, but I’m talking about the webserving stack.)
Rasmus likes to say:
PHP is rarely the bottleneck.
And Facebook? 250 billion monthlies (a trillion dynamic pages generated?) on [unknown #] Apache webservers, 600 MySQL databases + 700 memcached boxes + at least 3 Netscalers + PHP + APC = no outages due to traffic.
And, this is before HipHop replaced it, and in line with the previous numbers, so why the change to HipHop? Look at those numbers again: to support that across three data centers—you’re hitting a power ceiling. There’s just a physical limitation here that HipHop is supposedly extending.
“Facebook is reported double the performance, without reporting how. I don’t buy it.”
Well, nobody there seemed to dispute the numbers when they were given. They seemed in line with expectation and possibly a bit conservative (no -O3 compiler optimization, debug build). But roughly the gain comes in the form of both total CPU time/request savings and using less memory: in other words, they can run more requests/machine and the requests finishes quicker.
In practice, the actual gain may vary.
“Facebook sees about a 50% reduction in CPU usage when serving equal amounts of Web traffic when compared to Apache and PHP. Facebook’s API tier can serve twice the traffic using 30% less CPU.”
—Claim on Facebook’s website.
Why more gain on the API tier? API requests finish faster than web requests so the improved performance of a libevent-based custom web server starts to add up quickly.
How does HipHop achieve it’s performance gains?
C++ is simply a lower level language than PHP. Because of this, it can be further optimized and the execution occurs at the machine level as opposed to the virtual machine level.
That answer is a cop-out because what you really want to know is how HipHop in particular leverages C++ for more efficient code.
If your pages are really small the biggest gain will be in the fact that HipHop is multi-threaded on a libevent-based webserver (as noted above). There are a number of other features which I’ll talk about in detail later, but the single largest is the static analyzer. In the first stage of the translator, the parser, reads your entire PHP code base, and the second stage tries to find where it can replace dynamically typed variables with statically typed ones. And then it does so if it can.
Think of this snippet of code:
function fibonacci(&$count) { for( $l = array(1,1), $i = 2, $x = 0; $i < $count; ++$i ) { $l[] = $l[$x++] + $l[$x]; } return $l; } for ( $j=0; $j<$fibmax; ++$j ) { printf("fib(%d) = %dn", $j, fibonacci($j)) };
In this case, because of dynamic typing, all the variables must remain variants in the virtual machine. In HipHop’s case it works like this. In the first pass of the static analyzer it can clearly detect that $i and
are integers, and not variants. In later passes it will realize that $j
is unmodified inside it’s include scope and therefore always an integer, Eventually, it will survey all the files (finding everywhere you’ve set $fibmax
or called fibonacci()
) and realize that $count
and and $fibmax
can safely be made integers. (When it can’t infer the type, it will default to a catch-all “variant” type which resembles ZVAL in extension writing.)
After finding out that everything is an integer (in this case), the optimizer can replace all operations native C++, and after a number of passes (it could be optimized to realize the array $l
can be unrolled), might resemble the C++ version of the link above delta some name changes to avoid scoping collisions in that language.
The only reason Facebook used this solution was “they’re stuck with all these developers that only know PHP so it was somehow cheaper to engineer a way to change PHP to C++ than it was to retrain developers on C++ (or, probably more realistic, Java).” —Hans Leellelid
As you’ll read later, less than half of Facebook engineers who work in web development know PHP coming in. One of the attraction points of PHP is the ease you can get running to it no matter where they come from. This allows Facebook to hire “good engineers” without any care of their PHP experience. Anyone who has gone through their hiring process can attest to this.
You’ll also read that since 2007 alone, there were multiple attempts to leave PHP for another language—two of which are to languages Hans mentioned. Those attempts failed to produce anything because of the rapid development that is a language feature.
As a language choice, Java might have been a mistake prima facia simply because it would have bottlenecked the servers on memory. C++ can be eliminated as the development language because the time to develop on C++ vs. PHP is at least a full order of magnitude. (Hiring, training, and managing thousands of C++ engineers instead of a hundred PHP ones? No thanks.)
The 2x performance gain that Facebook is trolling is a big deal to them because of their size: we are talking thousands of machines with over 250 billion monthlies and probably close to 1 trillion dynamic requests—this nets to an operational cost savings at around $100 million going forward. Honestly, the examples I’ve been reading about on the blogs are tiddly-winks, many PHP sites like Yahoo do a lot of traffic and haven’t needed HipHop. It is simply impractical for Facebook to make the architectural changes needed within userspace PHP for the same reason it is impossible to recode the site in another language—too much code has been written and continues to be written. Facebook has hundreds of engineers churning out new features and fixing bugs pushing releases multiple times a day.
“Had Facebook started with Ruby, they’d have had JRuby and not needed this hack”. (paraphrased)
In a synthetic benchmark, Ruby MRE to JRuby nets a 3x performance gain. Sounds impressive, huh? That’s until you realize that JRuby still performs 8x slower than Java on those same benchmarks. Synthetic benchmarks are just that—synthetic.
In practice, Facebook chose HipHop, not over PHP, but over PHP + APC + performance patches base on real-world numbers. Those alone, I would hazard IRL outperform Ruby+JRuby—after all, Facebook must have gotten a larger gain on that approach alone without switching to HipHop in order to just keep up with their growth from 2006-2009 delta building out a new datacenter.
Furthermore, much of the gain that HipHop provides are in the static analyzer (as mentioned above). This is something simply not possible unless the language were statically typed (Java is; Ruby, PHP, Perl are not). It’s not like when you run JRuby you suddenly have a statically typed setup—and I guarantee that without analyzing the entire codebase (not just at runtime) the static-typed inferencing will be less efficient.
Finally, every language choice has consequences far beyond simple ones. In the case of Facebook, PHP meant it’s easy to hire developers and to “move fast and break things,” but it also encouraged a monolithic architecture with a deep-include hierarchy that is most of what HipHop tries to work around. Fine, you may dodge the last with Ruby, but you’ll also have adopted something like the Rails framework. Web frameworks, even efficient ones, are about 5x slower than minimalist approaches in the same language—Ruby on Rails is not a efficient framework. (They get away with being so inefficient by most sites being bottlenecked on the data tier—which has already been optimized in Facebook’s case.) You just trade one set of development headaches for a different set.
Twitter is a tiny application in terms of engineering. Despite rumors to the contrary, want to ask Twitter if they have no Rails left there?
You dance with the one who brung you.
What’s missing in HipHop that’s in PHP?
There are three major incompatibilities of HipHop, and a host of minor ones:
First, there are language features that aren’t supported and will never be supported. The example you hear bandied around is eval()
. Since the static analyzer has to survey the entire PHP codebase and features like eval
can dynamically write code, they cannot be supported by HipHop—and probably will never be supported.
Second, extensions must be recoded to work in HipHop. Facebook has recoded the extensions they use internally. To the extent that the PHP versions are open source, they’ll roll those out with HipHop. This is also huge. For instance on PECL alone, there are currently 238 extensions, each one may have dozens of functions associated with it. Only a tiny fraction of these have been ported and you can count that many don’t exhibit the same exact behavior as PHP (as they have to be ported by hand).
Moreover, this task is not as easy as Facebook intimates. PHP’s core is multi-thread capable but the single biggest hurdle blocking PHP from being a multi-thread language is the extension built on PHP depend on libraries which are not multi-threaded. Since HipHop is multi-threaded, those libraries need to be made thread-safe, which may not exactly be the case. Stas goes into this in detail.

Facebook, Palo Alto, California
Olympus E-P2, Cosina-Voigtländer NOKTON Classic 40mm f1.4 S.C.
1/100sec, ISO200, 40mm (70mm)
Stas is one of Zend’s PHP core developers.
Third, there are language behaviors and features that aren’t supported or incorrectly supported. Here’s how the process at Facebook worked. One day someone at Facebook noticed that HipHop had a runaway process and was dying, “Hey, Haiping, where did max_execution_time
and set_time_limit()
go?” Haiping reads PHP’s online manual, “Oh, I don’t have that.” “Well, if a script goes on forever, it will take up all your resources and take down your server.” “I guess that’s a good thing to support then.” And it gets supported.
There are simply too many functions in PHP and quirky behaviors for all of them to be supported as-is. The day before I was at Facebook, David Recordon had tried getting HPHPi to accept the WordPress codebase and it had failed—in one case simply because phpversion()
wasn’t returning anything!
Having said that, this is exactly the thing that’s “easy” to fix—if you find it, you can report the bug and the HipHop team will patch it. I put this in quotes because experience has shown that this well is infinite. The two will never achieve 100% compatibility—and in the case of “echo 08;
” linked above probably should never.
There are also a number of minor incompatibilities.
Related to the above is that the server is not Apache. LAMP is an integrated solution and Apache, or whatever server you are using, is part of that. PHP tries to play friendly with that. This server uses libevent, which makes it far more efficient than Apache prefork, but it is probably missing features you’ve become accustomed to. Not only that, but this approach implies multi-threading and the can of worms mentioned above.
Another one was that the target version of HipHop was PHP 5.2.5, and later 5.2.6. PHP is currently at 5.3.1, but the new language features of 5.3 are not supported (yet).
Also, there is currently no Windows support—that’s because the Facebook doesn’t deploy on Windows.
“I’m interested in what language features besides eval()
are not supported. They give eval() as an example but imply there are others.”—Jenn (in comments below)
Well that list is infinite as I just explained, but the question is really wondering what things won’t ever be supported. Here is a list:
not supportedcreate_function()
is not supported- dynamic scripting is not allowed. That’s where you use PHP to create a PHP file. The most common example is using Smarty to compile a file for performance. All template files would have to be precompiled or the smarty
hook would crash HipHop. preg_replace()
when usinge
modifier—execute PHP code on match.- I think
is not supported for the same static type optimizer reason above.call_user_func()
, however, is. - Order dependent symbol lookups (checking for exists and then doing something) won’t behave the same way. This is because of the way the static analyzer iterates over everything in multiple passes.
What about security?
Well most security is a matter of process, not language. Usually the biggest, easiest exploits are the stuff outside the engine itself—for instance in userspace.
In any case, this is an issue, which Ilia discusses better than I ever would. You can also check out echolibre.

Facebook, Palo Alto, California
Olympus E-P2, M.ZUIKO Digital ED 14-42mm 1:3.5-5.6
1/60sec @ ƒ5.6, ISO1000, 14mm (24mm)
Ilia Ashanetsky was the release manager of PHP 5.2 and is a web security expert. You can read his take on HipHop here.
Can’t they just add support of [feature that isn’t supported] later into HipHop? Can’t they turn it into a JIT later?
The complete code analysis is key to the performance gain.
Note, because I said “probably never” doesn’t mean “maybe.” Think of it this way, the Facebook engineers already wrote a lot of code to get HipHop to run at all and it’s still a leaky boat. There is a reason why something as large as dynamic scripting wasn’t supported. The point at which you support it, that code will have lost any performance gains that attracted you to HipHop as a solution. Doubly-so since you’d have some very costly context switch at that point.
That’s not to say the whole thing is impossible, just unlikely to get there from here.
How do I test if my code would run in HipHop without recompiling?
Facebook will be releasing an interpreter called HPHPi that is supposed to be able to run the code without compile.
This is probably the least ready part of HipHop, so details are very sketchy.
“My main concern about HPHPi is the xdebug compatibility. I really hope the team at facebook made this so seamlessly integrated that we won’t notice a difference in our development process” —David
It is my understanding that HipHop doesn’t have xdebug compatibility, since they use xhprof internally to fill a similar role. Therefore HPHPi won’t have such a thing.
Facebook would argue that you could always make a HipHop XDebug extension (how?). Or, you can still develop in PHP+Zend (preferred), then run it through HPHPi to ensure compatibility with HipHop.
Hmmm I keep hearing the "only need if you're big". All problems / migration issues aside, if switching to HipHop takes your typical response time down from say 130ms to 90ms, you're winning – http://www.useit.com/papers/responsetime.html . Google have shown this to be true in practice – http://mem.to/t/1c9E
My blog post isn’t finished but I haven’t claimed “only if you’re big.” (yet). My claim is that you need over 2 machines and a bottleneck in the application server (which is rare).
To your point specifically, Harry, you are correct. If your latency gets degreased than this is good. But taking a real world example, before I joined one startup, "Hello World" took 240msec, a rearchitecture (without something as drastic as HipHop) dropped it to 15msec. I don’t think latency would be a win at that point alone. My guess is similar improvements can be found at other companies that are >90msec. However that is not always the case: Rasmus feels this may be a win for frameworks—their bloat usually destroys response time.
In Facebook‘s case, all the "big latency" hurdles were eliminated when they moved to lazy-loading APC, they are clearly thinking about eliminating even more with the ability to snapshot the core and restart from there (that that approach is highly complex). And their big issue is sheer cost, not latency. So to them total time matters and latency is simply a matter of running the servers sparsely.
Unfortunately I cannot quote Facebook’s numbers on CPU time. You will have to ask them, or figure it out yourself by the copyright trick.
My recent post Faster PHP fo shizzle—HipHop for PHP
Maybe I came off wrong in my comment but it was more a reflection of the hype and not the technology.
I shouldn't have acted so quickly to say that WordPress used eval all over the place because as you say that isn't correct. I was trying to find the least complicated reason to give for why people using WordPress shouldn't bother.
My last resort comment was based on there not being much more you can do to speed up PHP than compiling it to binary. If there were then Facebook would have done that instead. That isn't a bad thing but it is a reflection of what people will be using the tool for.
The hype around HipHop makes it out to be something everyone that uses PHP will be using (that is why you get comments like Patric's about how great it will be for WordPress users). You need to be committed to using PHP compiled with HipHop. I'm sure the hype will die down but what is worrisome is that people who don't understand what to use it for will fail in their attempts and complain about it.
On another subject, does anyone know when it is it going to be released? I want to actually use it so my comments are based on some reality.
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@Carson. Don’t take it personally. Right now your comment falls into the unfinished part of my article. This contains assorted splurgings that lack both tact and facts. Hopefully it won’t sound as nasty when it’s integrated in the final article.
My recent post Faster PHP fo shizzle—HipHop for PHP
I'd be careful about the benchmarking claims. Java's starting pretty far ahead of standard PHP: http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/u64/benchmark.p…
Hmm, what part of “possibly” did you miss?
In any case, it depends on the benchmark, but if the benchmark is artificial enough (like many of those in the Alioth shootout), then the static analyzer can replace nearly everything with native C++ calls. At that point, you’re basically benchmarking Java vs. C++, not PHP.
If you look at the same tables you reference, you’ll note that C++ does better in CPU usage than Java. Both C++ and PHP (native) already do miles better than Java in total memory usage (because of automatic garbage collection).
In practice, I’d say it puts them in the same class in terms of CPU—mostly slightly slower, but a few times much faster. This should come as no surprise because Java has a JIT and HipHop is a cross-compile to C++ which is a straight compile.
My recent post Faster PHP fo shizzle—HipHop for PHP
HipHop is interesting but, I'll definitely argue about it being PHP. By picking and choosing what language features they'll support they're building a language kinda sorta like PHP but not quite PHP.
Considering how many OSS apps and frameworks use eval() I also think it's disingenuous of them to characterize it as a rarely used feature. Now, maybe it's one that _should_ be rarely used but, that's a different argument.
My recent post HipHop for PHP is not PHP
I understand what you’re saying but it’s a losing argument. The frameworks you mention that can’t implement HipHop almost all because they depend on dynamic scripting of template pages for performance. That would no longer be needed in HipHop.
I’m not saying you are wrong right now, I’m just saying that it’s a lot easier to port frameworks than you think. They simply have to add a flag to allow you to turn off any dependency on dynamic scripting components like Smarty. They shouldn’t be necessary to run the base framework.
Before HipHop, there was no reason to not do dynamic scripting and a whole host of reasons why performance improves when you do. Now, HipHop changes that cost-benefit. To not expect framework developers (who I feel have as a failing their alacrity in which they adopt anything new), to change due to that is short-sighted.
I argue in the article why OSS apps probably won’t change.
My recent post Faster PHP fo shizzle—HipHop for PHP
Oh, I think that much of the OSS world will adapt and quickly. Supporting HipHop will likely become a checklist feature and looking at the usage of eval() in some projects it would be trivial to remove. I mainly cited them as part of taking issue with their "rarely used feature" characterization.
My larger point is that instead of actually supporting the PHP language, they're moving the goal posts to a position more convenient for them and calling it PHP. For better or for worse, eval() is part of PHP.
My recent post HipHop for PHP is not PHP
Oh, I think that much of the OSS world will adapt and quickly. Supporting HipHop will likely become a checklist feature and looking at the usage of eval() in some projects it would be trivial to remove. I mainly cited them as part of taking issue with their "rarely used feature" characterization.
My larger point is that instead of actually supporting the PHP language, they're moving the goal posts to a position more convenient for them and calling it PHP. For better or for worse, eval() is part of PHP.
My recent post HipHop for PHP is not PHP
I buy that argument.
My recent post LH-3 Lens hood for the 35mm F1.2 NOKTON
I'm interested in what language features besides eval() are not supported. They give eval() as an example but imply there are others. Seems kind of important to be able to consider what will and will not be available before getting TOO excited…
I have a list of some which I’ll get to when I finish the article but here is a quick rundown off the top of my head.
– eval() not supported
– dynamic scripting is not allowed (That's where you use PHP to create a PHP file. Like when you use Smarty to compile a file).
– create_function() is not supported
– preg_replace when using e (execute PHP code on match)
– some functions are not implemented yet/were overlooked (An example was that was php_version() was not returning anything which was crashing HPHPi when it was running against the WordPress codebase. These bugs should be reported and fixed though.)
…and there was something to do with ordering where it works in PHP but won't when the static analyser hits it. Meaning in some of your scripts you may have to move things around for it to work.
My recent post Faster PHP fo shizzle—HipHop for PHP
hiphop won’t change the fact that php is a language most people grow to hate. i don’t know anyone who likes it more after a year than they did on day 1. so hiphop doesn’t make the rewrite argument go away. it might delay it, but inevitably the pain of actually writing and maintaining php remains.
You dance with the one who brung you.
I didn’t advocate when Friendster decided to switch from Java to PHP. I didn’t advocate when Del.icio.us decided to switch from Perl/Mason to PHP/symfony. I don't advocate anyone switch to PHP because of HipHop on PHP. Why would I start arguing that a company leave PHP because apparently according to your limited experience nobody "likes it after more than one year"?
Architecture changes are hard because they are inherently waterfall. They are especially hard since the web development cycle is tight (if the company is any good). If you want to shoot yourself in the head, (or if you are a consultant, cause your clients to shoot themselves) be my guest.
My recent post Faster PHP fo shizzle—HipHop for PHP
"I guarantee those engineers who failed were a lot smarter than you."
? you don't even know who the hell i am. i single-handedly created the most popular news website in the world, which has been #1 for a decade. you can piss on that too or you can admit maybe you and your cabal are by no means the last word in who knows how to build websites.
No, I don’t know who you are. The fact that you hide behind a curtain of anonymity while I don’t speaks volumes as to your authority.
You’re afraid to put up, therefore you get shut down.
Unlike you, I am never secret in my affiliations. Thus, to my knowledge, I’m not part of a cabal. But, I would like to know the number of your crack dealer, since you are obviously on it. 😀
I started using PHP for side projects about 8–9 years ago. I started using it as one of my primary responsibilites at work about 4 years ago. While I don't recall exactly how much I liked it 9 years ago, I'm quite fond of it now.
Poorly designed code is painful, regardless of its language, and "the pain of actually writing and maintaining [code]" is part of software. I don't see how that's unique to PHP.
I started using PHP for side projects about 8–9 years ago. I started using it as one of my primary responsibilites at work about 4 years ago. While I don't recall exactly how much I liked it 9 years ago, I'm quite fond of it now.
Poorly designed code is painful, regardless of its language, and "the pain of actually writing and maintaining " is part of software. I don't see how that's unique to PHP.
It's a shame that so much time has been wasted creating a PHP to C++ cross compiler. Sure, it will help Facebook, and some other large websites in speeding up their systems, but it encourages more PHP usage, which is a downright awful language. PHP needs to die.
Also, your arguments about PHP being a more universally supported language than some other scripting languages is archaic. Shared hosting is approaching the end of its lifetime, and anyone who wants to create a Python/Ruby/Scala/etc website will be able to do so thanks to on-demand cloud computing.
TLDR: PHP is dead. Get over it.
Ahh, another anonymous comment with a blanket “PHP is bad” statement and no evidence to back it up. Did I get slashdotted and no one tell me?
Shared hosting may be EOL for those people doing Web 2.0 startups, but for the SME market it is not only alive and well, but thriving. The SME market is many orders of magnitude larger than Web 2.0 startups—talk to GoDaddy sometime before you make that claim. In fact, I’ve noticed that 3 of the top 3 open source CMSs (which pretty much own about 90% of the open-source CMS market) are written in PHP. Shared hosting was instrumental, and no amount of slicehosting will eliminate that, since slicehosting is not used by non web-based SMEs.
My recent post Faster PHP fo shizzle—HipHop for PHP
"phalanger? – MS bought the team, they’ve disappeared"
Are you sure about that? Phalanger is alive and well and being developed to a new version (3.0) by a UK Software company and a team at CHarles University. It's being deployed in the Enterprise and in Government.
My recent post Drumma Boy discography
"phalanger? – MS bought the team, they’ve disappeared"
Are you sure about that? Phalanger is alive and well and being developed to a new version (3.0) by a UK Software company and a team at CHarles University. It's being deployed in the Enterprise and in Government.
My recent post Drumma Boy discography
No I am not sure. That’s a straight copy of my notes and has not yet been integrated into the article proper. Because of this, no fact-checking was done.
But thanks for the catch. Odds are I wouldn’t have found the error.
My recent post Faster PHP fo shizzle—HipHop for PHP
I also think that many developers will not use it, as many people say it only makes sense if you know what you are doing, if the problem is cpu/memory AFTER profiling the code, and if you have at least 3 servers and you can perhaps save one of them.
I'm really interested in the source code, examples, "compatibility lists", translated extensions and so on, this will take a while until we are able to use it I think.
My recent post HipHop für PHP
For those who hate PHP, you need to admit it, PHP is the No.1 web/scripting languages: http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/…
Get used to it, get your shit done by using xxx language, who fuckin care your business?
That is like the assertion that until 1994, COBOL was the language of choice, because it took that long for the new code to outstrip the legacy. And if you count ABAP/4 as COBOL, you could claim it came even later.
Wow, passing C++ and Visual Basic. That’s phenomenal (and unexpected).
Still most problems can be solved with any language. I feel even Facebook’s could have been. The issue is that language would have come with its own baggage.
This informtiaon is off the hizool!
As seen on a bumper sticker: Eat shit, one billion flies can't be wrong.
Howdy, we don't really run Percona MySQL builds – you can follow our own branch developments at http://launchpad.net/mysqlatfacebook
@Domas Thanks for the correction. Obviously my notes were in error. I’ll put in a correction in the original article.
I too have a question about the 'only worthwhile if you're big' sentiment: wouldn't improved memory efficiency be very important to a site that's running on a tiny VPS? Or are the memory gains not really that substantial?
You are too pessimistic, HipHop PHP is going to change everything!!!! Be more excited and happy my friend, this enable developers to streamline other development concerns by increasing performance.
For instance, our development cluster in-house is larger than our production because we do massive testing (i.e. download the entire site and analyze it). This will be a great win for many development teams if harnessed correctly.
My recent post HipHop PHP is going to save the world
that seem to be a great tool. thanks for this article
My recent post Tuborg Green Beat Festival 2010
Terry, can you , please, notify people somehow (twitter probably) once you finish this article? I don't want to check every week if you updated it (or not). That would be nice.
And, it seems like there is some issue with displaying/formatting posts' dates on your blog.
Hip Hop is Great Ive used it on a few sites seen here http://devonthedesigner.com/websitegraphicdesignp…