Have you hugged your engineer?

I was browsing through Facebook and I ran across Andrew Mager’s profile photo again. This time it was taken at the CNET holiday party.

I’ve been saying for a while now that I’m just going to compile all of his Facebook profile photos into a book and make bank. But I had to blog this one, which gives you an idea of what I’m talking about:

Besides, Andrew Mager, the people in the photo are Jessica Dolcourt, Caroline McCarthy, and Erica Ogg—all writers at CNET Networks in SF.

I took one look at this and wanted to tell Libby and Linda that they should use this photo for CNET’s recruiting material, this way they’ll have no trouble hiring engineers. 😀 This reminds me that a little birdy told me that they’re looking for a PHP architect.

[more random thoughts after the jump]

I know, you’re thinking, “PHP Architect?! That’s what you do. Shouldn’t you go work at CNET?” Why? I already know a couple of them:

Two too beautiful-icas

Two too beautiful-icas
DäDä SF Studio
SoMa, San Francisco, California

Nikon D200, Tokina 16-50mm AT-X PRO f/2.8 DX, SB-800, ultimate light box
1/25sec @ f/2.8, iso400, 20mm (30mm)

Yes, Roberica, I promised you that I’d blog why Erica Ogg has the best name in the frickin’ universe. Alas! I am behind on my blogging.

I’ve been trying to figure out why there are so many beautiful women working (or have worked) at CNET. Someone suggested that it was because that, in addition to being an internet company, they are in content production, and content producers are hot. While he has a great case with Jessica, Caroline, and Erica, I’m still sticking to my story that they spike the water on Second Street.

I heard that they moved some of the engineers down to the first floor. I don’t know if that is closer or farther away from you, but if you are a girl at CNET, have you remembered to go down there and hug your engineer today?

Happy Holidays!

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