Campaign manager humor

Mike Murphy was once the chief political strategist of John McCain’s campaign. He recently posted some zingers about Palin’s wardrobe malfunction. Here is one:

Q: What’s the difference between a Pit Bull and a Hockey Mom?

A: You can feed a pit-bull for 483 years with 150 grand.

(List of “Wasilla Main Street” shops.)

3 thoughts on “Campaign manager humor

  1. Schadenfreude:

    tripletee writes:

    Things you could buy with $150,000:
    2 – months worth of clothing for Sarah Palin and family
    100 – <a href=",CST-NWS-obamasuit22.article"Hart Schaffner Marx suits for Barack Obama ($1,500 each)
    125 – years worth of back taxes for Joe the Plumber ($1,200)
    288 – pairs of imported Italian loafers for John McCain ($520/pair)
    375 – haircuts for John Edwards ($400 each)
    1,000 – White House/Black Market dresses for Michele Obama to wear on The View ($148 each)
    8,333 – pounds of arugula ($18/pound)
    ????? – resolings of Barack Obama’s shoes ($ – ????)

    Man, I hate those liberal elitists

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