World Bike Festival

CNN informed me that[a photo of mine][amsterdam photo] was selected for [a slideshow about the World Bike Festival][cnn article]:

World Bike Festival highlights benefits of cycling around the globe -

It occurred to me that this combines a ton of my passions—photography, internet, writing, cycling, and activism—with my ethnicity.

Save the world, one bike ride at a time. 🙂

[amsterdam photo]: “Amsterdam bicycle parking—tychay @ Flickr”
[cnn article]: “World Bike Festival highlights benefits of cycling around the globe”

A Net Effect

Zak Greant, who I owe big time because for allowing me to couch surf when I got locked out partying one night in Vancouver, is starting a new Mozilla Foundation program called Net Effects.

The idea is pretty simple. Just record a short snippet of you explaining how the internet has changed your life.

Zak gives a demo of how the internet has changed his life

You can even post it to on this Flickr group.

Join and have at it. 🙂