It’s time to stop [recharging my batteries][recharging batteries] and start blogging and photographing again.
The first long slog will be starting to bring my Aperture Library up-to-date, but when I started, I got distracted that [DxO Optics Pro][dxo optics pro] was upgraded to version 7. I decided to spring for an update for it and the [FilmPack][dxo filmpack].
I dug up an unprocessed photo of [Kara’s][kara] daughter, Emma and took tested my two new toys ([via Catapult][catapult workflow]):

The Richmond, San Francisco, California
Olympus E-PL3, Lumix G 20/F1.7
1/60sec @ Ć’1.7, ISO200, 20mm (40mm)
You can mouseover to see the original image. Even at thumbnail size you can see the distortion fixes an that DxO recovered actually recovered some extra data. The color and saturation improvements are mostly due to picking the right film stock to emulate.
It’ll nice to get back out into the world again. 🙂
[recharging batteries]: “Your personality recharges your batteries”
[dxo optics pro]: “DxO Optics Pro: Introduction—DxO”
[dxo filmpack]: “DxO Filmpack—DxO”
[kara]: “”
[catapult workflow]: “Unsupported RAW workflow in Apple Aperture”