Voting in America

California is the swingiest of swing states. In recent memory, two Republican presidents were governors here. Now it is bluer than the balls of all those fratboys voting for Sarah Palin. Even though the Presidential election in this state is a foreground conclusion, you still get a lot of mail Election mailers North Beach, San […]

The party of ideas

I was reading this article which makes reference to something I just had to look up. Ahh, yes! The unlicensed monkey with the plunger telling me that a 3% increase in the marginal tax rate is somehow equivalent to collective ownership. Oh so amusing… Graphic and text from SadlyNo: Obama’s proposed hike of the top […]

Defending Montana

For the last three years, a number of people of both parties have ridiculed the 50 State Strategy adopted by Howard Dean and Barrack Obama. Recently, the Republican National Committee just spent half a million defending McCain in Montana. Montana! And remember, that’s money put there because the McCain campaign is outspent because of fundraising […]

The economy is not an Ayn Rand novel

We were up all night at my house working on the school newspaper. It was my house because I was the only person in the entire high school who had a copy of Pagemaker and a laser printer. The other editors started to complain about which things would be caught by our faculty advisor this […]

Campaign manager humor

Mike Murphy was once the chief political strategist of John McCain’s campaign. He recently posted some zingers about Palin’s wardrobe malfunction. Here is one: Q: What’s the difference between a Pit Bull and a Hockey Mom? A: You can feed a pit-bull for 483 years with 150 grand. (List of “Wasilla Main Street” shops.)

On Proposition 8

In my state Propsition 8 will try to amend the constitution to eliminate gay marriage. It will most likely pass. I would normally use this as a launching pad into the utter stupidity of direct democracy. It is a shame that I can vote on propositions that can pass with a slim majority and have […]

To that seven-year old Muslim-American kid

I’m also troubled by, not what Senator McCain says, but what members of the party say. And it is permitted to be said such things as, “Well, you know that Mr. Obama is a Muslim.” Well, the correct answer is, he is not a Muslim, he’s a Christian. He’s always been a Christian. But the […]

Revisiting Saddleback

I haven’t watched any the presidential debates because I sort of like my LCD television set and don’t want to damage it just yet by throwing things at it. Plus, other people do a more amusing analysis by counting tongue juts and generating word clouds. This explains why I’m furiously googling what the hell a […]

Paul Krugman wins the Nobel Prize

It has always amazed me the competency gap between the liberal columnists and the conservative and moderate ones on the New York Times. The gap widened today as New York Times columnist, Paul Krugman, has won the Nobel Prize in Economics. For the last four years on this blog I’ve been quoting him profusely. Congratulations! […]

Bring Tina Fey to Michigan!

Last week, McCain pulled out of Michigan, the state parties’ reactions there is highly amusing… The Republican party there is apparently petitioning for Sarah Palin to visit Michigan in an attempt to prevent McCain from giving up on them. The Democratic party there decided to “help” their brothers out by petitioning to bring actress Tina […]