Web 1.0

Saw that Cal has a badge tag from the Web 1.0 Summit today, which bills itself as a whole heck of a lot more fun than Web 2.0.

Flickr the Book

I would have loved to give a talk on the value proposition of B2B applications of push technologies.

Too bad they didn’t have the facilities for projection. I could have made some kick ass slides using the single pixel gif trick.

I’m sorry I missed it.

Does the Pokémon effect apply to Tiger developers?

In his quid pro quo effort to convert me to the Dark side of the Force, Mark sent me this reference to a Gizmodo article.

WWDC trading card handGo to the site, and read some. The special powers are a nice touch. I wonder which cards are rare? I want the Jobs and Avi Tevanian card. Do you think the Phil Shiller card has an animated GIF of his hands gesticulating while he talks about how “cool” Tiger is? Where is the video of Jonathan Ives talking about the design of these cards?

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