National Mall, Washington, District of Columbia
Nikon D3, Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G
9 exposures (+1 to -8ev) @ ƒ5.6, ISO200, 70mm
[Erik][erik moeller] finally wore me down. I decided to start [contributing my images][upload wizard] to Wikimedia Commons because, you know, I like work here on features and stuff. (**[Download or link the above image on Wikimedia Commons here][sunrise on commons]**.)
The license is mostly compatible with the way I currently release images as an amateur phtoographer. But since I prefer people contact me for derivatives or commercial work, I down sampled to 1024px JPEGs as a head nod to the more liberal Creative Commons license that Wikimedia uses.
[erik moeller]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Möller “Erik Möller—Wikipedia”
[sunrise on commons]: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sunrise_over_Jefferson.jpg “Sunrise over Jefferson—Wikipedia Commons”
[upload wizard]: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:UploadWizard “Upload Wizard—Wikimedia Commons”
[PediaPress]: http://pediapress.com/ “PediaPress: Create Your Custom Wikipedia-Book”
As I start taking photos again, I’ll release more images to commons… I promise! 🙂 (Oh yeah, they’ll be 2048px images in the future, so that [PediaPress][PediaPress] can use them.)
### About this photo ###
I didn’t wake up “in time” to catch the Jefferson the way I wanted and still avoid the 100º heat by the time I finished my tour of the monuments. Still, after photographing there, I rushed toward the FDR memorial. The sunrise was too “just right” to not try for a multiple exposure photograph with the sun and TJ’s memorial balanced in the frame.
It’s been a while since I’ve been photographing seriously and it shows: the nine exposures were shot handheld (I didn’t bring a tripod and cut off the duck in the foreground); the image sensor is dusty; the metering is way off (I had the bracketing set at -3 EV, but in the last burst of shots, I did remember to meter off the lower right part of the frame so I did have a single correctly exposed image in the bracket).
I haven’t upgraded yet to HDR Efex Pro 2 because it’s been so long. The merge done in HDR Efex Pro (1) via the Apple Aperture plugin is the only image processing I did. I should have gone back and fixed the lens flare to not have so much structure. Oh well!
### Other stuff ###
I already mentioned why I was in Washington D.C. [in an earlier post][the washington monument (and me)]. I also processed the photos of the Wikimania Opening Party. [I uploaded them to flickr](http://www.flickr.com/photos/tychay/sets/72157630544637376/) where I can delete them on request. Because, unlike TJ, they might be offended to find their images indelibly archived on Wikimedia.
[the washington monument (and me)]: http://terrychay.bitnamiapp.com/article/the-washington-monument-and-me.shtml “The Washington Monument (and me)”