Just heard something about me that was completely ridiculous and, at the same time, very funny. (I only wish it were true.)
To set the record straight:
> Due to the ergodic hypothesis, social entropy, and a weird lensing effect, it may have appeared at that particular moment that the male-female ratio in my vicinity suffered a slight and short-lived population inversion.
Dave says that everyone eventually has their “supermodel moment” and I guess whatever caused that person to say that comment about me was mine.

Slide, Union Square, San Francisco, California
Nikon D70, Nikkor 12-24mm f/4G, SB-800, Ultimate Light Box
1/20 sec @ f/4, iso 1250, 12mm (18mm)
I was photographing an event and asked these pretty girls if they wouldn’t mind me taking their picture. After I did, two of them said they’d give me something really worth photographing, which they did multiple times.
This photo appeared on my Facebook feed and Plaxo Pulse, and incidents like this is how rumors about me get started.
Not that I’m complaining!
One of your best pics.
It looks like a combination of strange lighting and cropping. Is that a man hand at the bottom of the photo?
The lens was broken by TSA so the rear element is misaligned and there is servere corner distortion.
This seems to be happening more often, doesn’t it?
Yeah, and I’m not complaining.
Karen and I miss you!
its like I KISSED A GIRL the song:) 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
u have real big bubs:) 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 :@