In light of it being Banned Books Week, I went back to the ALA’s list of most challenged books in the last decade and I was surprised to see Bridge to Terabithia made the top 10. This book was first published in 1977 and was one of my favorite books growing up. A quick net search told me it was challenged (and banned) because of offensive language and satanism.
What a laugh!
The only thing satanic about this book is the number of reviews on Amazon. Since the “satanic worship” done in the book is a bunch of children play acting Narnia, one of the most pro-Christian fantasy pieces of all time, the irony is stunning.
I checked the list and was saddened that I’ve only read 17 of the top 100 books. From 16 of the 17 I have read, this would make a great reading list. In fact, it is now officially my reading list as I come across a nice trade paperback of these books.
My interest level is really low for Heather Has Two Mommies and The New Joy of Gay Sex. I think it’s too late for What’s Happening to my Body? Book for Boys: A Growing-Up Guide for Parents & Sons. (I definitely question the relevancy of What’s Happening to my Body? Book for Girls: A Growing-Up Guide for Parents & Daughters). It won’t be easy going. (Besides, there are three Stephen King books on the list, none of which I’ve read.)
Oh well, at least I don’t have to reread Where’s Waldo1 and I’m going to say the skimming I did of the The Anarchist Cookbook in junior high school means I can skip that one, even though I haven’t actually read it.