A while ago, when I saw Mark Kater, he showed me the vinyl sticker he got for his Macbook Pro. The next time I stopped by, I remembered to photograph it.

Tagged, Financial District, San Francisco, California
Leica M8, Cosina-Voigtländer NOKTON 35mm F1.2 Aspherical
1/30sec, ISO160, 35mm (47mm)
The processing is pretty much the Toy Camera preset in Aperture. Pretty powerful huh?
He got it from some place on etsy. It turns out die-cut vinyl Macbook decals that incorporate the apple logo are hugely popular—there are literally hundreds of them.
It reminded me that this idea started when a a Magritte laser etching made a huge splash at BarCamp SF a few years ago and someone suggested they make a vinyl version for those on a budget. Which in turn reminds me that we need to lobby Matt and Toni to get a laser engraver for the Pier. That’ll give us something to do with all the passerbys that think we’re still a candlestore. 😀
Of course, while I was kneeling there shooting his laptop, I took a photo or two of Mark:

Tagged, Financial District, San Francisco, California
Leica M8, Cosina-Voigtländer NOKTON 35mm F1.2 Aspherical
1/125sec, ISO160, 35mm (47mm)
Exposure was so far off, I’m amazed I recovered anything.

Tagged, Financial District, San Francisco, California
Leica M8, Cosina-Voigtländer NOKTON 35mm F1.2 Aspherical
1/20sec, ISO160, 35mm (47mm)
Sharpness is off because people can’t stay still—and by “people” I really mean my hand. My film effects action got the right saturation, but messed up his face. Thankfully, Aperture 3 as a skin smoothing tool.
By the way, Mark got a Macbook as a gift to his wife, Michelle. He had our friend Gerry use his vinyl cutter to make a custom design for the back of it:

Maybe Dutch Pride Shop need a vinyl Macbook sticker section. 😀
I wonder if I should redirect http://www.markkater.nl to here… you write more about me than I do! 😀 Oh well, at least you linked to the Dutch Pride Shop, I'm sure sales will SOAR now, haha.
My recent post Timo
ChayBook: http://tekrat.com/images/chaybook.png
what's about this macbook stickers
Do you like it?
http://www.macbook-decal.com has some amazing decals
i bought a lot of at this site, look at them
try http://www.macbookstickers.com , they have pretty cool stickers!