Photo from July 27, 2013

Boxing Room, Hayes Valley, San Francisco, California
Apple iPhone 5
1/20sec @ f/2.4, iso1600 4.13mm (33 mm)
This was after going to the symphony. I guess I was hungry because I asked for a fried egg to be put on top of it.
Since this project came up and only had iPhone images, I thought I’d use a non-Camera+ iPhone image as as an opportunity to investigate Lightroom CC’s de-noise and sharpening routines (in the Detail tab of the Develop module). While it is very convenient, I dislike the artifacts it generates when working on underexposed JPEG images.
Surprisingly, a simple application of basic processing, seems to oversaturate the reds in image, which I had to pull down using the HSL controls. I guess Adobe engineers are Canon photographers.
In Lightroom’s defense, the lighting was terrible, so I should be happy anything was usable, as there’s only so much you can recover from a high ISO photo camera shot. Should learn to bring a real camera out when I eat.