A lot of people are complaining that the flickr sharing feature in Aperture 3 is missing geolocation data (Places).
This is not true, all you have to do is go to Aperture > Preferences… > Web and check the box to “Include location information for published photos.”
Then click on the “radar” buttons to the right of the Flickr sets in Aperture to force a resync. Your image geocodes will be re-uploaded (I noticed in my case, it re-uploaded the images instead of just resyncing the metadata, but that bug may have been fixed in Aperture 3.0.1).
Here is a photo I uploaded via Aperture 3’s flickr sharing:

Westfield San Francisco Centre, Market Street, San Francisco, California
Sony DSC-WX1
1/30sec @ ƒ2.4, ISO160, 4mm (24mm)
I was so tired after the run, I could shop no longer…or rather, watch my friends shop. I decided to hang outside and take photos of the curvy escalators in Westfield San Francisco. And I actually needed to buy a suitcase from the Tumi store, too.
You can see it has been placed on the map automatically.
Sync, not Upload
One thing a lot of people don’t realize is the flickr sharing is a synchronization, not an upload. This means that edits you make on flickr appear as metadata modifications in the original file. (I think it does not sync down changes to the image, but new images in a set do get brought down.) It also means you can’t do an upload without creating a set. It also means you are limited in the tags by what tags you explicity upload (instead of tag hierarchy). It also means you are limited to the amount of resizing you can do on export. It also means you can’t do things like add a watermark on your export. It also means you can’t batch add to a group, or another set, or anything without using flickr’s online organizr.
If you don’t like that, then that’s why Frasier Spears is still selling FlickrExport and has recently updated it for 64-bit. I own it, and use it.

Buzz Andersen’s 5th Annual WWDC Party
111 Minna, South of Market, San Francisco, California
Nikon D3, 24-70mm f/2.8G, SB-800
1/30 sec @ ƒ/2.8, iso 1000, 24 mm
Fraser Speirs with some of my friends. I got really shit-faced that night (it was my birthday so I was making everyone buy me drinks).
I believe I uploaded this image with his software. 🙂
Oh yeah, the “check mark” you see next to the image in Aperture’s Flickr albums is the image actually uploaded/synced with flickr. I have no idea how to change it other than deleting it and dragging a new one. This is a major bummer for me.
Faces sync in Facebook
Faces are synced back in Aperture. You can tell because Facebook added faces are now searchable. Right now, getting the Facebook Faces back into your Aperture faces is a little buggy. The only way to do that is to go to the set, click the “Name” icon, and manually go through each image confirming the facebook entries by clicking the “f” icons and hitting return. Still it does guess faces well.

Basically click on the “f” and then hit return and those names will be synced back. Notice that even though Alicia Kenworthy has only been tagged in a different Facebook photo, it guessed the face here.
I hope they fix that.
I am not seeing face tags syncing back at all. I have uploaded a test folder with a limited number of persons tagged in A3. Then going to my FB page I tagged the others.
I then went back to the original set, selected the "Name" menu icon, followed by the facebook "f" icon. This opened the menu to publish my folder again on facebook. I now have (under FACEBOOK in Aperture) the original Folder and multiple copies, ie: Folder, Folder (1) and Folder (2) – but no names syncing back.
Are you sure it simply wasn't the "faces" feature of Aperture which identified your friend? You stated that Alicia Kenworthy was tagged in another facebook photo, was that photo from Aperture?
Further testing on this reveals that Aperture actually sync with Facebook overwriting (deleting) any tags posted to Facebook.
Sync works perfect for me. It updates changes from the server to local and local to server without and nasty overwrites or unexpected things happening. I do wish that the geolocation option for web was turned on by default. It took me a few weeks to figure out why flickr was not displaying the location of my photos I set in aperture. But it was user error, not apple error. 🙂
I can see any “check the box” to “Include location information for published photos” in my Aperture Web settings. Running Aperture 3.2.3
Any hints why this might be?
Hi, I can’t see any “check the box” to “Include location information for published photos” in my Aperture Web settings. Running Aperture 3.2.3 Any hints why this might be?
Found it,
its now located in the Advanced section under “include location information for published photos.