Someone asked me how I got the sunbleached faded photo treatment from this photo (mouseover to see original):

Pier 38, South of Market, San Francisco, California
Olympus E-P2, Lumix G HD 14-14 f/4-5.8 OIS
1/400sec @ ƒ8, iso 200, 103mm (206mm)
Here is the treatment:
– Enhance, Curves, Color Monochrome, Sepia Toning: [This is from my “vintage film preset”][preset looks]
– Exposure, Edge Sharpen: intensify the contrast even more
– Highlights & Shadows: Recover some lost detail
– Levels: auto contrast (not auto-color as it will remove the “vintage” lok
– Intensify Contrast: Lost that setting. It’s a brush so it’s not needed anyway.
[Download the preset][vintagefilm2]
[vintagefilm2]: /m/dl/ “Download Vintage Film 2 Aperture Preset (Zip 7KB)”
[preset looks]: “Preset Looks”