Learning to smile

Learning to smile

I’ve been a manager for 2.5 years and I’ve been too long away from programming. There is something just so wonderful about being able to work again in a world where there is a right and a wrong.1

I decided to start to finally2 teach myself iOS development today for: first, because I’ve never done it before and second, because it’s an opportunity to learn a new language and re-learn an old one3 I haven’t done for over a decade.

We’ll see how it goes. I’m not optimistic.

  1. …and getting the feedback to know which is which! 
  2. This does not count. 
  3. If you call writing a median-based BPM counter for Mac OS X, “learning.” I think the jury is still out since Xcode, memory management, and the user-interface are so different now. 

TechCrunch dreams

In 2008, I had a friend who was the co-founder and CTO of a startup. He was getting a lot of pressure from the other co-founder to get into TechCrunch. I said, “Why the fuck does anyone want to be in Techcrunch?1 The only people who read it are your competitors.”2

This morning just before I woke up, I dreamt that I found out that TechCrunch had made it into the top ten most popular websites.

In my dream, Michael Arrington still owned them and through a systematic analytically-driven approach of A-B testing subject lines, content, and marketing, they had applied it to an entire network of blogs to make it very popular. Michael had picked up ballroom dancing as a hobby and even his ballroom dance blog, through this approach, had become far more popular than it deserved to be.

I started thinking, “Wow, that’s crazy. I remember back in 2005 when TechCrunch was so unknown Michael had to comment on Scoble’s blog to get traffic.3 Who would have thought it could become so popular?”

Then I woke up and remembered that nobody reads TechCrunch.4

  1. Usually it’s because they have a tiny ego and need to be a big fish in a very tiny, tiny pond. BTW, I remember at the time Tagged was really obsessed with TechCrunch. 
  2. I suppose given the big Valley circle jerk, another valid reason is if you are seeking funding from investors. 
  3. This part is true
  4. Not even your competitors. Because even if TechCrunch does write about you, they won’t catch it before it scrolls off the front page an hour later. 

The Uber-truth about the slavery economy

When I first heard someone use the term “the sharing economy” last year:

Me: What the fuck is “the sharing economy”?

Someone: It’s a catchall for businesses like AirBnB, Uber, Lyft, TaskRabbit and the like.

Me: Sounds more like they should call it “the slavery economy.”1 Give it a few years for that bubble to go the way of GroupOn.

What did I mean?

Well to take one example, this was sent to me recently by a friend because it appeared on her feed and she was curious how they got the numbers:

UberX truth in advertsing

Should say “Apply now and start making serious cash… for Uber’s investors.”

Let’s do the math, shall we?2

Continue reading some Uber math after the jump

LinkedIn and the dangers of A-B Testing

LinkedIn brags about their use of A-B testing.1

Here is a fucking clue, guys. When you vary where a mail header (from:2, to:, subject: line, etc.), you bypass peoples’ mail filters and of course e-mail open rates will test higher.

Fuck you, LinkedIn

So many companies don’t know the limits of analytics. To those idiot business analysts that are data-driven instead of data-informed: please DIAF. ktnxbai!

  1. Never mind the fact that LinkedIn took years to go viral and only after Reid Hoffman became on Tagged’s Board of Directors. 
  2. invitations@linkedin.com, member@linkedin.com, invitations-noreply@linkedin.com, communication@linkedin.com, messages-noreply@linkedin.com, updates@linkedin.com, communication@linkedin.com, connections@linkedin.com, … 

Some advice about coding bootcamps

A friend writes:

Hey Terry!

I’ve been looking into attending a coding bootcamp. Do you have any opinions on them? Any local ones with particularly sterling reputations? Do they seem to churn out somewhat competent alumni?

Thanks in advance for any insight you might be able to lend.

Honestly, I don’t have a good opinion of any of them, but I didn’t look to closely. First, because 90% of them teach Ruby on Rails1 which is a terrible language (Ruby) and architecture (Rails) for learning to program and can have zero application in the area of computing it is marketed toward in order to attract students — for instance, I remember seeing a coding bootcamp for iOS programming that taught it using Ruby on Rails.

For learning general web development (or even general programming) I think some web framework using Python might be the best language because it easy to learn, easy to read, and very logically constructed. If the focus is on mobile app development the only language worth learning is Objective C. If the camp does that (i.e. Python for web or Objective C) they’re already far head of the pack IMO.

As for which ones are best, I’d simply look into which ones do well at placing their students into jobs. The companies/people who run these make the bulk of their money off of placement fees to corporations, even if though those deals are often onerous (for the employer). Though this is a shitty incentive to make the best program, it does show that they must add value somehow: signaling, actual skills learned, some base level of competency, etc. This goes double for those programs focused on women, because the demand on the end of the employer is double. But, in the long run, it doesn’t matter how good or poor the program is if the companies continue to hire from them then they must be worth something, right? This is true even if they use Rails as their teaching language.

Close to zero of these schools have people with true teaching experience or who studied education and learning. My thinking is the success that occurs, when it does, is more due to the format of learning (classroom, labs, intense immersion, applied to a particular end goal) is a style that works for a set of people who previously found that other methods (usually self taught from books, iTunesU or online tutorials) failed for them. So if you’ve tried to learn programming before but it never stuck, then it’s worth a shot to try a bootcamp, and they have a huge incentive (1/4 of your first year salary) to take the extra step of helping place you in a job.

In the end coding isn’t that difficult which is why people can learn it as young as five years old. The issue here is not the difficulty but the combination of initial effort and the continual practice involved. Most people aren’t willing to do this, and this is why good programmers are scarce. If you have the grit to tough it out in intense immersion for a month or two, it must signal something to somebody. 😉

Finally, I’d also ignore any of the stuff outside actual programming and language that they “teach.” There is some truth to the saying, “those who can’t do teach.” A school’s instructors will often teach about software processes like “test-driven development” or “pair programming” because they read in once some “agile practices” book and thought that’s how it should be. But many of that is only used in special circumstances or in enterprise software development. If you just want a job as replaceable IT worker working for a bank in some right-to-work-state like Louisiana — a job that will eventually be outsourced to India, then that crap is useful, otherwise just ignore it and learn proper programming practice and processes on the job you end up in after you are placed based on the coding project you demoed to your future employer.

  1. According to Tre Jones, this is not actually true, it’s only 57% of them. This is crazy for such a poor teaching language that also has the misfortune of being very unpopular to boot.