5 thoughts on “About the Woodwork

  1. We can no longer access our child theme settings. The child theme is listed on the dashboard but does not allow you to select the items. The child theme settings are active on our website but we can not get to them to make changes. This is a recent issue – we have used the plugin for a couple years. We need to make some changes and are hopeful you can help us. Not sure if this matters but when we were trying to figure out the issue, we saw an error message about the child theme being broken and to “click here” to fix it. We clicked and the error message disappeared but we still can’t get to the appearance settings. Thanks.

    1. I am having a similar problem.
      I have the latest version of One Click Child Theme, and this comes up.
      “child theme is already a child theme
      Child theme needs repair”

      “Detected outdated child theme mechanism. Click the button below to attempt a one-click repair.”

      I cannot make any changes to theme or access the information in the CSS or RTL Stylesheets.
      What is the fix for this. I am hugely disappointed by this, and accessing any information on how to repair this is basically non-existant

  2. Hi, I came across your notes on William Bridges in an online search about him and Transitions. Are your notes basically your notes on the book? I read him way back when, are his concepts still current?

    1. You are referring to this article. Yes, they are notes I took when I read the book (most are directly quoted from the book). I’m not psychologist so I can’t say if they’re current, but the book was recommended to me by a top leadership coach who is a psychologist, so I would believe his concepts are still approved. He has written later books also, which I haven’t read.

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