One of the most enjoying things is reading the comments to the columnist Tom Friedman in the Times. As many of you, that one-man libertarian junket is a pet peeve of mine. But recently he’s been taking a lashing on the blogs and not an column goes by where the top rated comments mention his stupid views on the Iraq War and his World-Is-Flat-But-Wealth-Never-Is for years now. They’ve figured him out and they won’t let go. Recently, I was sent this humorous takedown from the co-author of Get Your War On.
Stick a fork in Freidman, because he’s done.
So when I read this shit from MoDo that begins:
On 9/11, President Bush learned of disaster while reading “The Pet Goat” to grade-school kids. On Tuesday, President Obama escaped from disaster by reading “The Moon Over Star” to grade-school kids.
(Yes, that’s right. This New Yorker equating the murder of 3000 innocents in her city and subsequent use of it for political partisanship and a war which shredded the constitution, killed hundreds of thousands, and bankrupted the country with a few nominees who were delinquent on taxes. Believe it or not, this is the high point of the article.)
All I have to say is, “Fuck you. You’re next.”
Tom Friedman’s Five Worst Predictions
What sort of person Maureen Dowd is.
Time to gloat.
(A three stage telephone game involving 40 words and only one word changed? Good luck selling that one… may I suggest claiming photographic memory? 😀 )