“I want to tell you the most important tip I learned about photography.”
“What is it?”
“You have a camera.”

Frame that shot!
Zazie’s, Cole Valley, San Francisco, California
Zazie’s, Cole Valley, San Francisco, California
Olympus E-P1, M.ZUIKO Digital 17mm 1:2.8 Pancake
1/60sec @ ƒ2.8, ISO1000, 17mm (35mm)
Coley teases my habit of photographing my friends.
Recently some colleagues had a contest: “Guess how many cameras Terry has on him right now?”
Even though I have one, too often, I forget I carry a camera.

Smiling Sean Coates
The Invisible Dog, Brooklyn, New York City, New York
The Invisible Dog, Brooklyn, New York City, New York
Olympus E-PL3, Lumix G 20/F1.7
1/60sec @ ƒ1.8, ISO500, 20mm (40mm)
Sean is embarassed to have my camera in his face… or happy that he guessed how many cameras I was carrying.
You have a camera, shoot it! You never know what will happen.