(Full disclosure: I work on Automattic, which makes software and services in the same space as SixApart.)
- Image via CrunchBase
Today, TypePad announced the launch of TypePad micro, which I found out about from John Gruber’s somewhat snarky tweet.
This marks the first time (to my knowledge) that SixApart is embarking on a free hosted blogging service, so it was definitely worth a look, especially given some of the things we’ve worked on, have recently got working, and will work on at here at Automattic. Besides, free is the price I like 🙂
Registering for a new account (especially with the Facebook Connect integration) was so easy, I thought, “Wait! Where is my Staples button?”
The blog, though there is some confusion as to the URL, has an aesthetically pleasing layout. It certainly seems to share a lot of influences from Twitter, WordPress P2, Pownce, etc. but the biggest influence has to be Tumblr.
Continue reading about Thoughts about TypePad micro after the jump