That’s “**E**lectronic **V**iewfinder, **I**nterchangeable **L**ens,” or a SLR without the “R”eflex mirror. And here is how Nikon got EVIL:

The Nikon 1 system. Press image, relayed via NikonRumors.
[Nikon 1]: “Advanced Camera with Interchangeable Lens—Nikon Imaging”
This is the [Nikon 1][Nikon 1]. For obvious reasons, Nikon is not calling it EVIL, but instead A-CIL (Advanced Camera with Interchangeable Lenses). Call it what you like, I’m a big fan of the EVIL camera, and this is the first of this type introduced from the “big two” (Canon or Nikon).
The new camera will debut in October with two body types (J1 and V1), with four lenses and three accessories..
Continue reading about the Nikon 1 and other compact system cameras after the jump