I read a while ago that the LIFE photography archive was on Google, but I didn’t really think about it until I stumbled across it while checking out the new version of CoolIris, which I’ve mentioned before.
On a whim, I tried looking for the famous cover photo of the LIFE article on the Lindy Hop.

I’d have taken a video but for some reason the video in SnapzPro doesn’t work with CoolIris on Safari. 🙁
The name “Lindy Hop” came because a news article on Charles Lindbergh’s 1927 flight of the Atlantic. It is said that the newspaper headline of the day read “Lindy Hops the Atlantic.”
Speaking of which, I wondered if they had a photo of the man who introduced aerials to dancing: Frankie Manning.
I met Frankie Manning once in 1998. I used to take photos and video of my friends dancing, so I asked him, on a whim, to give an intro to the website on camera. He looked into the videocam and said:
Welcome to the UIUC Swing Society web site. Those hep cats are really swinging!
Haha. I should dig up that video. Good times.