Somewhere along the way, I ran into [Gordy’s Camera Straps][gordyscamerastraps].
Gordon Coale is a guy out in Washington state who hand makes leather camera straps. Last year it occurred to me that one of his straps would perfectly match my [Hirano case][hirano japanexposures] (which you [may have seen before][live view]). Hand straps are simply a good idea for nearly any camera, because they’re the most minimal safety leash for photography: you don’t really need a one normally; but if something bad happens, you’ll be glad you have one around your wrist. Plus, when you do it right, they look gorgeous:

Barracuda Sushi, Castro, San Francisco, California
Nikon D3, 24mm f/1.4G, SB-900
1/50 sec @ ƒ2, iso 800, 24mm
I bought this Gordy’s strap almost exactly one year ago.
[gordyscamerastraps]: “gordy’s camera straps”
[hirano japanexposures]: “Camera Hirano—JapanExposures. These English speakers will get import Hirano cases for you.”
[live view]: “Live view aperture on the E-P2”
Continue reading about camera straps and cases after the jump