Pringles white balance

“ExpoDisc White Balance Filter” by ExpoImaging Carl Weese has an article today about using the ExpoDisc for digital white balance with some interesting history: it was used in 35mm film photography, before it found new life in digital. ExpoDiscs are basically neutral translucent white filters or caps that allow you to take a white balance […]

Saturn sets…

What an amazing article in the Times today about the closing of part of a signature Saturn plant. Anyone in the U.S. in the 90’s remembers the quirky Saturn commercials featuring this Spring Hill plant; how Covey’s book had a ringing endorsement from Skip LeFauve, President of Saturn; how Saturn was representative of the new […]


“Pounc-erture” by tychay I couldn’t resist the call of the Jobs and went and purchased Aperture! I did a computation at work today and decided that Aperture must have hit the shelves today and a quick call to Apple Store proved me correct. Apple Store Palo Alto had already run out, but there were a […]

Interesting new scam

Caitlin points out a new scam job. The idea is to scrape various classified sites for services (like Craigslist) and then offer them money in return for a check (a la Nigerian 419 scam). The new ideas here are the fact that it is specifically targeting an interest (in this case, wedding photographers and videographers) […]

Cat eyes (and flash)

“First picture of Pounce” by tychay ( Olympus C-2500L ) ƒ3.1, 1/60sec, iso 100, 18.6mm (56mm), built-in flash Anyone who has taken a flash photo of their cat is aware of the cloudy yellow/green reflection in their eyes. Such was a topic of discussion on Flickr Technique. The reason for this is that cat eyes […]

Real live Julie Keatons…

Scrubs from Zap2It/CBS. The future Marketing division of Sirius Cybernetics corporation or proof that one industry has just too much money? Yet again, the pharmaceutical industry puts us horny computer nerds to shame. You decide. (A major difference is you can ignore my advice on what computer to buy, but You can’t be so cavalier […]

Relationships and Politics

A friend of mine went out on a date with a SUV-driving, Fox News-watching conservative Republican. I wonder if he shouts at his television set or gets angry when people impugn his man? I made the mistake of commenting: Reminds me of an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm which I never saw because the last […]

Apple Aperture “Now Shipping”

Caitlin noticed this today: Aperture “Now Shipping” from Apple I’m so excited about the release of this product that I started a Flickr group just for the hell of it which is strange for someone who is going to have to live a little vicariously—I’m probably skipping this release and buying the 2.0 like I […]

What I’m having for Thanksgiving

If anything should be indicative of a my right-wing gen-x background, it should be this simple fact: I did cross-ex debate in high school. One result of that is my Thanksgiving meal: a burger at Jack-In-The-Box. The University of Pittsburgh tournament is held on Thanksgiving weekend. This is not a big deal normally for a […]