In the crossfire between the landlord and the city, Automattic got [evicted][evicted] from their home on Pier 38 on Friday.
At the end of every week, some of the [Automatticians][automatticians] have been having #burittofridays, so they made one last burrito run before closing the doors. As Beau, put it, “We came in with a bang, and out with a burrito.”

Pier 38, South of Market, San Francisco, California
Olympus E-P2, Lumix G HD 14-14 f/4-5.8 OIS
1/320s @ ƒ9, iso 200, 19mm (38mm)
One of the advantages of working for a distributed company is that now that we are homeless, we’ll simply be working from home. The Bay Area crew won’t get to see each other each week though.
And here is one last parting shot from [our fearless leader][matt]:

Pier 38, South of Market, San Francisco, California
Olympus E-P2, Lumix G HD 14-14 f/4-5.8 OIS
1/400sec @ ƒ8, iso 200, 103mm (206mm)
He leaves us with a bit of= T.S. Eliot:
> We shall not cease from exploration
> And the end of all our exploring
> Will be to arrive where we started
> And know the place for the first time.
I’ll miss you guys.
[matt]: “Matthew Mullenweg”
[evicted]: “Pier 38 deemed unsafe; tech tenants evicted—SFGate”
[automatticians]: “About Us—Automattic”