Web SIG’s red pill

I promised Bess I’d mention that I’ll be at WebSIG’s “Wiki Technology and Trends” event taking photos and generally making an ass of myself.

Admission is free with RSVP do it!

Because it is Halloween, there is a suggested dress code of being an Agent which I’ve mixed feelings about. On one hand, I don’t have that sort of tie and dress shirt lying around; on the other hand, I look devilishly handsome in a suit. 😀
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I lost all my photos today.

The net result is I lost about one and a half months of photos permanently (around 1000 images), about six months of originals that haven’t been burned yet to disk, lost days of work, and shot up my entire backup regiment.

I’m also one crash/corruption from losing everything.Continue reading

Solve sudoku

Mark Frauenfelder inadvertantly shows his egotism and stupidity.

I clicked on the linked article expecting to learn something. What a mistake! This is the sort of methodology anyone who has completed the simplest puzzle has stumbled upon. This strategy doesn’t even solve any puzzle that is halfway interesting…assuming you find sudoku halfway interesting, which I don’t (because I’m bad at logic puzzles).

Solve this! (without even thinking)

Solve this! (without even thinking)

Is there a better way to scream, “I’m a moron!” then to link that instructable article and add a comparison to solitaire: an entirely different game since not all solitaires are winnable and there is no single strategy to winning determined by logic alone. Hmm, Mark, maybe you find this stuff “boring” because you don’t know how to solve them. Let’s face it, the only reason you held crossword puzzles up on a pedestal is because Sundance told you to. Why don’t you join Cory and switch to Ubuntu. You’ve become exactly the sort of egotistical latte-sipping Gen-X dickhead that you rail against.Continue reading

Why I switched back to Gizmodo

A while back I decided to choose between subscribing to Gizmodo and Engadget, because they’re very similar and I’m not that gadget-obsessed.

First I removed both hoping friends would forward me the interesting stuff. That didn’t happen because I guess I’m a really big know-it-all jerk. I then picked Gizmodo, but switched to Engadget because they leave commenting on.

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