Photo from March 29, 2012
Dario removing his earphones when he noticed me trying to take his photo.
Leica M8, Cosina-Voigtländer NOKTON 50mm F1.1
1/60sec, iso 160, 50mm (67mm)
According to my notes, I lent my Leica to someone at work. Before I did, apparently I snapped a few photos of my cubical mate with it an my Olympus E-PL1 in order to demonstrate how manual focusing works. This was the only Leica shot actually in focus, showing just how hard it is to focus correctly with an 50mm f/1.1 lens.
Trying to get familiar again with the nik toolset. I haven’t used it since Google bought them out. It’s pretty much unchanged, except there’s no longer a need to register each one individually.
With nik Silver Efex Pro, it helps to have some presets handy as the ones bundled with it are pretty basic. I started with the ones located here, not all of which import correctly. It’s good enough though.